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Coffee Cheques

Hammer on the fresh patches
tape of old rivet holes
sing in the wind
when they work loose
Jacket on a hook
rumpled as the Pines
Top fuel add weight
already the days dimming
the schedule late

crates a barrel
villagers and the crews
They dont know we
will this airborne

Bounce hit hard
then grabs the sky
like the eagles do
Left pedal
in a slipstream

Lucky charms
and little prayers
Number two
runs a hand
through thinning

the villagers cheer
a gleaming speck
battered but not
yet broke...

Editing stage: 


This seems like a resupply of drink to one of those villages in Canada, where the little aircraft and their dedicated pilots fly in things to the folks out there.
Talk about a wing and a prayer, they are of the best there is in flying.
Can't think what else it could be and it's good.
Yours Ian..

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"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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