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skein snow wicks from the woods
winters like an old vampyre
ground now soapstone
not marble
agate of change
I think of the holy black of nite
full of its little swimmer
they remind me of the water
lillies on dark ponds
i dont even need to close my
eyes to remember their scent
their waxy surreal petals
pale as a summer whim

but now winter still not retired
to her lair
cloaked and adorned
the twist of limbs
a crown that rattles in
the night disturbing dreams
to shift to something

i cheat sleep
by and by sickness waits
i dont need to smell
D-ward nor be rewarded
for the visit with a shot of
the big B vitamin
be told im malnourished
with this roll hanging over
the jeans

everything aches
this dampness in seasons
blessed turn

hanging in the shadow of
the lee of bright
preferring a pale shade of
hang a drowsing head
startled by the periphery
white line fever

maybe i need a warmth
to draw the chilled stillness
from my soul
remembering the dune of
her hips
the valley of soft summits
my fingers climbed
silken shroud of hair
that hid the eyes
such glorious windows
'draw me a map'
and I would
the tides of pleasures
stopping at the point
to emphasis a line
'and here be dragons'
the brave steed
would find my windmills
while i slept


Editing stage: 


As always a wander through your thoughts,
Oh how I wish you would use perfume instead of scent,
it is more expensive but worth the extra.
Love your new picture.
But back to this write I will read again ....
A drift into a world that I have never seen,
but you show it well,
there I shall observe but not join.
Then escape into dream time good job it's not the Aboriginal Dreamtime.
Loved the dragons and the windmills,
reminded me not to tilt, and that there are many maidens out there that need rescuing, lol.
Take care young Wolf and know that the best of the hunting season is about to start.
I will sort out some more stamps as time permits, is there anything that you would like from England, you seem to be left out..
Will walk with you again soon, Yours Ian..

PS:- something to make you smile, I was sent (Not scent) a Donald Trump Dollar, from the States, for my B/D, a week or so ago made me smile..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

horse was otto
for autopilot
my women were the sidekicks
they could get in to places
but i was the entrance voice
and the draw

epic times

and the rest were just as interesting interesting as I

present woman upstairs listening to some
kick ass rock and roll....we got speakers hooked
up...i got mine on the tower set up here in my man
area and she works from the couch with laptop
I do like her music
90's hard rock when she was raising her kids
alone with friends help and fam occasional
back up..the fierce irish prussian in em'

i remember knocking on a door once
they said who is it
and I said me
and they opened it

it went well

perfume is nice...the women i
accompanied or they me
had expensive ones
or small little collector bottles
Bunni had many of these
shipped off stateside to a collector
so like U Ian the diplomat and heart
for sharing and re collecting

scents..smells I like due to the chemical
composition of its structure mixing with
the individuals..and combinations of
closet..rose becomes more with the dilution
of contacts in environments

D-ward was where I often ended up
after ICU or in second last admittance
CCU..but I survived
hospital is a spacial
musuem..suffering with heating costs
budget cuts..four hundred let go since
it opened a few years ago..full of its
turmoil over concerns with its size..
and about fifty more to be let go this

i vow to not go back in there
toughing it out

my mother was crazy..cruel and loving
probably bi polar...she would hug and
then with red sharp nails with strong
hands dig them into our ribs...
my daughter whom she babysat wanted
to have her ears pierced and my mother
laughing took those claws behind and
front of lobe and pinched....this is what
it will feel like...
in a strange way she was a super realist
teaching me without me having to find out
the hard way that love had its claws
that nothing is certian and every emotion
my girls the first ones understand why im
so crazy...if not like my birth mother who
was a true pirate....and who i met..

so I get pretty skittish with any contact
freezing up with the hugs
only in past years since giving up
letting anyone hug me be giving of service
that was was like working
on them....for them
they were like sculptures...exotic
tamed wild creatures to examine
had my times..the thrown coffee cups
broken plates..knives...fists when they
got frustrated...all of them were from
mighty beginnings of lineage
thus my tilting at windmills
between jobs the horse...the drive
to just do it..who else would could
like me...i would just drift in the over
exhaustion..often like writing
then the nightmares were not so bad
it was the stress of then
not so much anything else went on
that broke me over and over
but lately im holding on

still dont know..or think i will find
a peace like some do
but im content with what i have
along the way
I have an uncanny ability to just
fall into the moment
and when need be lead
for business
although they insist to make
happiness in my troubled
day to day
coming into the ruin as i call it
to put their name..their mark
a chapter in my life

i can walk it..the civil to the
wraith wretched wanderer

still enjoying the fantastic
gifts u sent
we are going to make up
something to send
we vow

i have no great abilities
other then voice which lulls
and soothes them
or agitates them
but my hands have worked
with much
like poetry

still haunted...probably till
that day of rest but in meantime
i find purpose in doing what i
can out here

and ive crafted a little pack
i write..
a pretty bitching activated
bunch....great intel
and moments

such is the simple joy
of existance

well much housework to
and im off to it..

thank U Ian


author comment

Your life laid bare, many lessons learned,
then you are not weakened by tasks.
I will answer this at length when I have more time,
Yours life's story I had saved a few of your comments each had shown a facet of you that had built a man strong and adaptable to all that life would throw at him.
You are a true Alpha Male young Wolf, and may your trails be filled with a truth, that in this world we each are responsible for our own actions and in that end time we shall be called to judge ourselves, so you will never have a fear of those times,
From the cave of the great Bear, to the Spirit Eagle that sees all you are a great Spirit Wolf,
Yours as always Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

I hated it Ian...going point....
everyone survived my bad choices cause I had no experience then
hell I was twenty nine? only hit the road months before..
they didnt doubt me
I did..

I laugh at my brilliant interlopers today....middle of the pack
..make it worth their while..
they dont smile..cause I hit the nail on the head

I was in bars and walking up too..or they would walk up to me..the guy who had
elbow room in a packed worked intel
off time..U go into a company bar
whats that dude up too with elbow room
U know
for the men and women to the left and right
to chat..digress..confess...relieve of the
stress of being a warrior....etc..
I was not a priest per say
but my native face helped...
my grey creepy ass eyes
and anyway.....somehow i understood
and helped many
and somehow being in the middle of
some hot rod bar helped me
yes....i was in amongst all the alphas
and they trusted me
and somehow i knew what they were
and they in turn helped me
but then..u know worked military
know more then just the ordinary
happy stories

I am happy Ian we meet up now
U are right
I am alpha...but like a fallen angle
star..angel..I love walking on the
street level

thank U ian
and hope the best for U and
your missus
we think of U often and the
children are here with us
and the sand dollars
thank U kind warrior Knight!

Mr Wolf!

author comment
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