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fighting the dense thick dream troposphere
the wood panelling
the lush wide fenders and paint fleck
of a time woe begone
octane and omissions

shoes I remember lacing
thrown out
when my age was
twenty/ thirty years
and yet

I am still the same
grey eyed ghost
in the mirror

the women leaning
in the light doing their
make up while I pass
the tender brush
or beer or bottle
on the hardy edge
the slug
and kiss
while nudging warmth
and smiles together
in the light like
a photo booth show

they come and go
dyed blonde
pixie cut
red head
tawny faux
blue eyed
and saffron

like the morning
of a dawn
on the all night
special round about
the empty bottle of
rum and the pain
killers to kill the
suffuse the arthritic
and post dream hics

exceptional histories
like scars
like the moles I traced
with fingertip and kisses
like the codes I punch
on the cards for purchases
and wishes

tangerine miles
in a dayglo scheme
wrapped like webbing
on her long range beam

carbolic soap
a rare occupation
its smell poignant
and meaningful

like jail moments
a time alone
for singing
letting loose the
wander of the beast
before composure
and return to the
cage of steel
where our realities

"time takes a cigarette
Puts it in ur mouth" david bowie

all my ladies will not be dry eyed
as they hear of his passing
three of them
all brilliant and meaningful
as I know him and they now too be
as I hit my
age of daring
at fifty three

rue smile
for this was supposed
to happen
at thirteen
not now

the teen
rolled over one
morning too greet
me sleeping
on the floor
and said...
we are like teens
but I corrected
I am fifty one
but she was right
forget age
it was maturity
it was about discovery
of the soul

and I am lucky to have
been found
by the foundlings
of the creative desire

lana del ray
and lolita
and the fifties

the modern post hipster
flip phone flipster
reach out and
text some body
instant gratification
like the stones sang
in cassette times
battery operated
self service
pack smiles
D cell
in a world of
fifty two A- cup pick up

and its all a walter disney
the grotto bohemian grove
from california

I check my pocket watch
and surrender
the time
and adjust my stroll
to ragtime blues


Editing stage: 


Well young Wolf this is something else,
A story of the years, as if you are yearning to be there,
in that ages we can only smile at.
You have a way to go yet, there in that slowed down wander you will reflect more on these things.
Remember them with the beauty they portrayed of the life you spent learning all these things.
Now it is time to reflect on these things and go teach the young ones about life from lessons learned.
I will talk later someone is drawing near to use my think for other things,
Yours as always Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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