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C R A C K E R .. J A C K E D

hump the kisses
the cream you butter
from rancid dreams

and that snarl pulled
like Lucifers loose button
at your crotch

steamy metaphors shoving
limbed wheeled tracks
all those whom became

swallow your fucking pride you
pointing the automatic
against my temple
how I worshipped
the cracker jack treat
the brokeness under the
heel of night

stitchs are for bitchs
thirty sics across your
turned away at the right
the night time crime
like a wave

little black gloves and spells
said you liked the feel of
warm shells

and how the darkness glides
and slides
like a knife
sharpened with stars

Editing stage: 


This is for me poetry of a high class, it is a pleasure to read.
Writing as you do requires intelligence and a deep sensitivity.
Very beautiful.

Me again
I think you are Intelligence and Have sensitivities

that line is mysticism
but many swords and knives of long ago were forged
from stars that fell from the lair of the "Gods"
Joan of Arcs Sword was said to have been given to her by God

I really like Joan of Arc
and It can be said she did not cry out
when the English murdered her

In the lands around Damascus there are areas where the
"stars" fell or where traded with the people of the deserts

Thank You

Mr Wolf

author comment

the underlying of it is
ability to see
to touch
the feelings that starve so much

the writers I read were greatly gifted
and sensitive there were all
battles and the long haul of life
the ghosts they avoided
dealt with and become

of course not all

a lot of these experiences are fictions
like the above culled from movie works
books and people telling me their life

but not everyone hears the same story
sees the same imagery or thinks the
framework to poetry alike

This world is Beautiful and Ugly
and something that exists in between

Thank You Ester!


author comment
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