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"the world is melting beneath us"
slumped in a chair
cigarette dangling
smoke coiling up past the unshaded
bare obnoxious bulb
Lean over..
"Brine and Bollocks Baby!" I grin
and take another slug of gin
from the battered gentlemans
pocket tin...

Poking her french manicure nails
hair hanging to the carpet
rocking on crossed legs
the little screen glowing
ear bud in one ear
the other dangling

I pause in the torrents rush
of winded thoughts
"U my dear....need a tin foil hat!"
she turns squints those amber
eyes beneath brows knitted
(hates my smoking)
"U....need a lobotomy!!"
I slid even further down on my if the movie is about
to everyone in?
"I my little nuisance..have a bottle
in front of me!!"
She jumps ups startling me
leaps in my lap snatches the
half smoked Pall Mall and
pops the smoking remains
into the tin...
snaps the lid on it!
Sighs and smiles

a television laugh trax
rushes out and touches
the tall walls
and lies flat like a tired
the black window of night
is a frightened eye
No stars...that cold overcast

the Bootleg weather
we both sniff at and ponder
come morning
sets us at unease
She will talk in her sleep
I know
I can sense the undercurrent
twenty minutes shes asleep
and i carry her to the bedroom
tuck her in
climb on the couch
Door Locked
stick on the window slider
section of pipe beneath
me....Sleep in my clothes
counting phantoms
till I fall asleep

sometime in the night
I dream of an angel
singing in the hall
shes reciting lyrics
to the dead phone
alms to the hours
I shiver and cascade
to the dreams

to the storm brewing
beyond the distance


Editing stage: 


I really, really like this.
Realise 'like' is a tame, rather pathetic word against such a powerful write, but I've had a shit day and stretching my vocab is out of my grasp at the moment.
I can see the room and feel the atmosphere. Brilliant.

Remember we are a workshop site.
Don't forget to offer critique on poems you read.

in curled on her chair...Bunni upstairs relaxed
did a day of running...My steppies pink bike with white forks..
I look like an Extra from Gangland Undercover...the Biker show
popular on television....I rode gnarly but relaxed..
into town and back...exhausted...spent half the day scrubbing
the spare room of our good chums next door...a sponge and
hot water and soap....They ordered cheesy crust Pizza...One
slice for me..One slice for my old Lady! and one slice for the
Guard dog that only she I trust to look after when we go away!

fall here...the light is so beautiful...there is this active melancholy
in the air....and the usual Shit disturbing element because its
gearing up to the money making pre xmas owners
car dealers...salesmen..women of the wants...Drug dealers..
Bikees....cops to do the big busts...Epic times...Exciting!!

Ahh...Everyone has shit days.....I will prolli have a tea later
make some Kraft Dinner...take my dog out on the little walk
when it gets dark....Love the "Nite Patrol"
was singing earlier about house...I have a great voice...
cant hit the high high notes like Roy Orbison or Thom from
Radiohead....But I did both songs of their in Kareoke...
riding the girls pink bike....My knock off military Vietnam style
bag i even painted U S on the flap like their sixties kit..
I wrap the shoulder strap about the a snap
I unsnap it and unwind it fast with both hands
off the handlebars thinking..

I could have learned how to ride a motorcycle
I know how to hustle...Im big enough to have kicked
over a two cylinder and pushed up a bike laying down
...alternate universes....
Ive known women who would have known how to
turn on the turns and fit behind me no prob
arm about my middle
this is bits of a real story..Ive altered locations of
course......Like creating a movie...or flicker short
the women were real...
they took me...said U got it in U
and taught me everything
created even this dark jacketed long haired
bearded sunglass avatar...
had it my way...prep clothes..short hair
no beard...god....I am so glad I listened to
my girls over the years....
but I give em credit...
Behind every dominant male there is
a strong female
...nothing wrong with Liking

Missed chatting with U....
keep thinking of U and
I am going to buy my Jane Austen next month!!

best wishes to U and yer old man Jayne
Roll on!!
thank U!
Mr Wolf!

author comment

We've had a week or two in the Lake District, which is possibly one of the most spectacular places in the UK to see the Autumn colours. It was glorious and had the added benefit of no internet - which was a bit scary, but very therapeutic after a few days.
Been on site commenting - sorry critiquing :-) but not writing much (if anything) at the moment, nothing really to say and my poetry sounds forced then.
I can tell so much of your poetry is from your life - it's like a cameo/snapshot of people, places but most of all atmospheres.
Glad to hear you're going to read Jane Austin - but don't forget those Brontë sisters. I think Wuthering Heights is probably the most tempestuous and dramatic.
My job today is collecting the apples we didn't make into cider (the alcoholic stuff - do you call it hard cider?) and putting them in crates for the pheasants to feed off in winter. Gives them a good supply of sugar over the cold months. Because we live on a small farm, we have space to feed all sorts of creatures - they sort of turn up and never leave. It's amazing to watch them close up. One of the pheasants we've called 'limpy' - we're good on imaginative names :-) He got run over at the end of our drive, made his way half way up it and flaked out. We took him corn down every day, thinking he was a gonna, but no, he's now hopping round the orchard on his good leg, the other is stuck out at a very peculiar right angle and I don't think he can fly any more either. He seems happy enough though - if you can tell with pheasants. Got a family of partridges too, they are cute.
Of course we never eat any of them, I'm not a vegetarian, but it seems rather rude to eat your house guests.
Bye for now Jxx

Remember we are a workshop site.
Don't forget to offer critique on poems you read.

sister had horse..Teco and Scout
and rode a massive mean trail stooge
called "Dick" Banff tourist time with
fam one year..sis and nieces brother
in law....Dick was a dick...
but U can see why horses were important
to the cav and personal get stuff about!

Brontes Yes..those guys too.
ready for their works now all these years

no net is nice...once in a while..
Helped raise chickens one summer
for eggs and for food
free range...and pigeons
very interesting animals
a gaggle of geese from the ponds too
and my ex had horses..
those were expensive...shovelled
the manure...helped feed em
curry comb em a bit
all animals are beautiful
I think
like people..they adapt from maladies..
partridges are cool..

atmosphere....was always important
why my friends and lovers loved me
the moments were created were
special.....I had not the money to
offer like I realize that
its just one of the things that make
up that interaction

u either got "it"
or U dont!

glad to hear from U

snowing here today
but beautiful..
grey overcast a bit
windy....perfect weather
to go out stir the blood
as I like to put it and
get some wind
some color and exercise
and do the mall crawl
pre xmas times are epic
for seeing and being
seen out there!

Mr Wolf!

author comment
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