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tail lights in windshield slush
like the sleeping murmur
an evenings lush

demure roar
the six hungry for the road
the lone driver
dressed in grey

there was a shadow
of cherry blossom
in a June remembered
a glimpse forgotten
while the rims go round
and the fix
speeds forth
on its dark horse
the swallowing storm
never receeding
the tension wound
curves like a vine
stretched taught
in its languid lush

the glimmer
of ideal
casts its pall
on a dull diaimond
scratch a name
on the opera

Editing stage: 


no idea what you're talking about... but i have to say i like how you're saying it (as i do with all your writes)
these words slip over the tongue easily and with a lovely cadence, and i can envision myself riding over the blacktop with the driver

love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

Dear Judy

I had to finish off this dog painting this evening
I use acrylic...brings out the pupils and mute color tones
but in the business car of Loris sister
the night had a similar feel
Was thinking in black and white film lately.
should try this .

anyway the winter throughs its reflected and refracted light
that the other seasons do not have
a special feel...

it is about a car run of course
I like commercial exploitation of selling
the business of the hustle

now you got me thinking about what it was
I am always trying to promote in the codework
of the writes..

ah drunk the bus bound
wrapped in their defense or defenseless
of the outbound lands
sleep talking
the crowd of ghosts

there is always more and most of it is meaning
mostly to me
I should try to write in realism rather then
pointelism and palette knife

Love broken or fragmented is the main key
things that never line up
viewed from different perspectives
from the bottom of the well
to the looking down

narcissm is a bit mark in my work
it was the way either I was
or became in the passage of

and the dissallusionment of
that act of beauty which is
not the beauty but of the
the more you lean in to look
and be entranced the more
the light is distracted
and changes the mood
the setting


I like to think of the Moebius
strips....two twins turning
about on the route and at
some point the occultation

I do however greatly admire
that you do appreciate the
textile business of words
which are before the hand
written scrolls and cuniform
was the Gutenberg press

I digress much

I thank you for the comment
and notation on this...

Mr Esker!

author comment

love rejected....never caught owned
and discarded....
we get what we want
all of it and the pursuit was the love
the rejection was the love..
pretty simple psychological thing..

that was the thing...
in that is a myriad of stars
on a mute night
that sings anthems
perhaps one cannot truly
hear them
but can feel them
the vibrations..

thank you!

author comment
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