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Binding Fear

I know fear, I know its terror,
I know it so well it stings like a stingray.
It has no arms but grips so tight,
Until it squeezes its victims to a stoop.

Fear comes to fight, when least expected;
It hits you down and keeps you down.
It is the thief that creeps in at night,
Unraveling your world, and out you bow.

During its storms, the mind is its sky,
Where it hibernates, breeds and grows,
Shutting off the sun that shines in your world.
And everything else, it freezes on a dime.

I know fear, and all its ways, cunning ways,
That make you think,
The way you feel is the way you ought to feel,
But in actuality, it wraps you about its spell.

Every so often, voices are silenced,
Ambitions shackled, hopes are dashed,
Even dreams, go lame and waste.
All for fear, the ghost in the mind!

Fear is real like it is not real,
If you let it in, it makes you afraid;
Afraid of the heights you can climb,
Afraid of the miles you can walk.

To bind fear, nip it in the bud.
It barks and yelps like a wild dog on a leash,
But the calmer you are, the quieter it grows,
Be your bold self and up it goes, a whiff of air.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Thank you, as always.

Bathe yourself with poetry and let the world go to pieces.

author comment

your description of fear and the hold that it can gain on you. Truly, you have known fear; the kind that grips you tight in it's embrace and tries to strangle you. Good write! ~ Geez.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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Bathe yourself with poetry and let the world go to pieces.

author comment

ChimaI'm sorry to know that a lot of people have to experience fear all over the world, you've spoken so well on behalf of them all.
Many good lines all through.
Let's hope one day the world shall experience love and happiness the same way.
Thank you for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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I appreciate your encouraging comments. Thanks Rula.

Bathe yourself with poetry and let the world go to pieces.

author comment

Exactly! Somehow reading your poem has helped me put life and the worries of the world in perspective. Very encouraging. A good write.
Thank you!

Thanks for commenting.

Bathe yourself with poetry and let the world go to pieces.

author comment

sorry for the late assement but this is incredible work my friend very intense and yes I have known fear and you describe it very well this work is outstanding


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Thanks for your comment, Lynn.

Bathe yourself with poetry and let the world go to pieces.

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