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tapping on the tin
the dark wing of
eve falls fast
like a hush
thankful the windows
only on the east side
far enough away
from the detonation
that nothing burned
the wind
was blowing
and not in the
good way

I miss the fan the
most...but its been
raining lots
ruining the crops
rotting the fruits
maybe all the dust
we got enough food
most left
but I want too stay
already been sick
and my hair fell out
slowly at first
but I was walking
about all over the
watchng the skies
no more planes
the hydro went off
soon after
the scouts quit
driving after the
radiation contaminated
the best of the off road
last Time they checked
through here they had
a modfied road grader
with tanker truck
At first they were
burning a lot of things
then they died off
the leaders
not enough geiger counters
yesterday I was eating tinned
bully beef and my back tooth
came out..
dropped forty eight pounds
and its going to be so cold
soon anyway
the birds are all flocking together
there must have been forty
crows picking at the garden
but its so hot

I found music boxes and when
the sun goes now
I wind them up
put them in the rooms
all playing at once

outside its just getting
save the wolf pack
moved in across the lake
I carry a sidearm
but at this rate
I wont need for it
through the clouds
at dusk when the sun sets
the skies the most
beautiful of colors


Editing stage: 


It appears that "the day after" is revisited, with the last experience in the twilight zone. A long poem. However, it reminds us that we are still sitting on some 15,000 nukes.


Your usual well-written work
I especially like your emphasis on the beautiful colours of the sunsets ....
we know why, and it makes them horrifically beautiful - quite an oxymoron.... sets one thinking .... how can there be beauty come from such devastation... ??

And the very clever implicit reference to loneliness in the need to set all the music boxes going...

I want to go in the first blast, don't want to have to 'survive' like that....

Love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

Dust in sunsets...violent eruptions that threw ash up
turn of the century was noted...the solar flare in the
eighteen hundred..sunsets...always something unique
I lived alone for a day in a large home..too counter
this the collector owner had purchased watchs
that spoke aloud time in female voices..through the
night the watches would announce time...set too different
hours..not all at once... Ritual....the significance was
about the sunset the creationist fire of the
spiritual emphasis...the sunsets last longer....are grander
then the fast flash of nuclear detonation...which are rather
powerful today...the fifties and cold war idealists were
positive that "someone" would survive...the theory of
heaven and belief of spirit design us too want too live
in the radical notion of the afterlife...the sunset is the
end of the day...much as the dawn often arrives in
the same denomination of intensity of the sun...a density
too..captured by the impressionist painters at the uptake
of the industrial revolution...The sunset represents the
"End" of the day in that slow blaze...startling illumination
in its colors that draw the attention..
In reality it might be overcast or just the clarity of a
non vivid sunset...But its a story! I mentioned no clouds
other then the rain aspect but the pattern recognition
like algorythyms would set trauma weather...and isolation
or rural setting would instruct tree parameters for some
and meadows for others..thus the restriction in the lack
of detailing here fulfills the flow of storyline streamlined
for the intended prompt to the reader...
We had a music decanter that played "How dry I am"
on the back of the upright sisters had the
ballerina jewelry box. like now..Im an insomniac
patterns and rituals...the lack of power and control
visa vie by chaos theory...
clockwork animation
in a clockwork world
still turning despite the destruction
of mans ravage

surviving...I love your kipling quote
a brilliant mind that one

Thank U Judy!

author comment

living in a city..I probably watched a lot of
end of time movies...I spent a lot of time
sitting the house in a small village
rural setting..trees..fields..meadows
creeks..swampy area but nice..
up all night catching the eighties from
end of seventy nine on FM all night
stations...reading books...alone...
dad worked lived north
brother spent time with his friends
they put a lot of war movies on
the few stations we had and odd
late night movies past regular
programming..I spent most of
that time awake..and the cold war
was going on .I watched the news
a lot..i didnt work...was allowed to
sit at home...wasnt that social then
different.. In reality one would
need a woodstove.....the amount
of electricty required too provide
enough ample heat to stave off
moisture is a lot! I stayed house
sitting for large homes....
but would go out at night too watch
the life..
canoe at night...never got much
into end times writing...Like the
good old days when I did live in
a cabin with woodstove a lot of
time was in gathering wood...

The whole idea of any kind of disruption
just throws our minds off...
our power stays constant in most countries
most countries have internet acess
phone wireless...all these things were
unheard off in 1982!

but we adapt...same reason we may blow ourselves
up...we go back to living in caves and come out
with something better..more powerful

Title.."Been" could have been
"Its been.." which sounds iche ..or iesben
actually was raining earlier...
day after..oh dear...japan nuke issues..
fires on drier climes...flooding..small
increments in weather alteration
but sunspots created a winter that lasted
an entire year in the past hundreds of
years...nature..we forget about it..
man has affected the weather
maybe...It will be man who will destroy
himself...most likely
but maybe not..
we are so egocentric
as a species
but put a personal ticking end too
our days...premature..and it
changes perspectives

just a quirky little sappy
out there romance vend on this
or the old Orgami vingnettes..
which I too miss....

might be a trend back too that
and should the big bang
occur...whatevers left
that will evolve
From "Be"
BC..AD...and AB..(After Bomb)

thank U!

author comment
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