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Windscale gardens are reading hot
below the high box chimney top
equipped the bomb to join
the race
Uranium oxide
saving face
and cesium too
strontium 90
particles spew

in 57' they stopped
the two
no more toxicity
too the blue


Editing stage: 


A good subject though at a half life of 26000 years well that's to the next ice age or four Mayan calendars is there no end to our stupidity.
Liked the write but a little low brow for you, Take care and await the next one, I thought that 52 would have been a year lol..Yours Ian.

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

I am lost. I could see that it is something about the nukes and the fallouts. Cesium is also a waste product from the nuclear reactors and power plants. '52' can be an atomic number.
What is the 57' event you are alluding? Please enlighten me. Thank you.


More useless info for you I wonder if Steve knows this one.

Atomic number 52 - a brittle silver-white metalloid element that is related to selenium and sulfur; it is used in alloys and as a semiconductor; occurs mainly as tellurides in ores of copper and nickel and silver and gold.
Te, tellurium
Great for modern technology, no good as food.
Take care, Yours Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

Thank you.


Wind was their air cooled reactor for the sole purpose of creating fuel for the bomb
fast didnt is still working....but they ran it with the effects just
shooting out the chimney.....they got the bomb at the cost of surrounding countryside
land and inhabitants suffering...after the fire they shut the two reactors down but
kept the site going too this day....cost of progress.....heavy accent on the cost..

thank U!

author comment

Thank you for the info.


Thank you for the info.
This is a repetition. Just a keyboard glitch.


i am 73
one day you also will be
73 plus another century

as ur poetry will live
me all others will forgive
trying to be a poet
as i live

I dont talk too elders as much anymore
and in our city on the street level they
are their youth back in the day
everyone was more rampant and wild
although Im sure some of these are
still wizards and tough knocks if push
comes too shove...My old chums were
still getting into scraps in their sixties
and one in seventies

I was looking at Fukishima but there
was tons of waste and disregard in
the old days and not of ignorance
either....well not that kind of ignorance
insurance pay outs mostly started
the country to get restrictions on how
they make things..create things..
labour costs for
modernization.....which now all went
too the cheaper labor off shores
custom made luxury will always be
homegrown.....Why nuke stuff...cold
war fascinates me...the most basic
power and intimidation yet...and
control.....I have all these issues
and I think its just my
my genes...make up from the day
I was born..So I study the leaders
of the past....present...and weapon
technology I follow and on twitter
like a lot of the pro offense defense
stuff.....The more brilliant of my
friends are pacifists and green aware

back to seventy three..twenty years
from like forever
but if I make it and I have great odds
against me with my addictions and
risk taking from impulse control
too and ego.....narcisicm and self
loathing....still whatever passes for
intelligent makes me think of much

sixties....mid sixties.....childhood
would have been for you right
in the middle of the fifties
school...teen years would have
been vietnam kennedy..marches
protests...peace and revolution
of the masses...
an interesting hedonistic time

thank U!

author comment

enter the most lucrative minds
such as yours

I Was born nearly dead
long ago....
I live to make others live
ask Joe

I don't know
from here where shall I go
but as life exudes
I will not slow
let life like a
some day flicker and blow
who knows when Sir Esker !
not even you know
you are NeopOetica
I went to Niagara via Torronto
you did not come to attend the show
but will you make out of me
ere I go
to like you glow
I bow....

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