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The world around me is calm,
But I am a storm within.
Amidst the devil's hour,
I long for sleep to begin.

But my brain keeps the nightmares,
On an everlasting loop.
Fears and worries consume me,
As I lay in my room.

The darkness of the night,
Brings out my inner demons.
But I fight with all my might,
To silence their screaming.

So I'll sip my cider,
And dive into a book.
Or watch a scary movie,
To give my mind a hook.

But as the hours pass,
And my eyes grow heavy.
The storm will eventually fade,
And I'll slip into slumber steady.

For amidst the chaos,
There's a sense of calm.
As I lay in my bed,
And let my mind be calm.

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I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
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Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

Title: 3am


Thank you for sharing your poem, "3am." The theme of inner turmoil and the struggle to find peace during the late hours of the night is relatable and evocative. Overall, your poem effectively captures the sense of restlessness and the battle against one's own thoughts.

One suggestion I have is to consider varying the rhythm and meter of your poem. Currently, the poem follows a consistent pattern of four lines per stanza, which can create a predictable structure. Experimenting with different line lengths and stanza structures could add more dynamism to your poem and enhance the emotional impact.

Additionally, while your use of imagery is effective in conveying the speaker's internal struggle, consider incorporating more sensory details to further immerse the reader in the experience. This could involve describing specific sounds, smells, or physical sensations associated with the night or the speaker's state of mind.

Lastly, be mindful of the use of clichés or overly familiar phrases. While they

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