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391 Dreams, Precarious In The Night

Dreams, precarious in the night
Flashbacks of never a time
And the memory breaths,
A touch to liquefy bone
As fear takes residence within the mind
Pleasantry is frightened by the night
The darkness penetrates the iris
Blinding only the eyes
While the mind dissipates from reason
The wakening within the dream
Mutes even the blistering silence
What the mind depicts
Causes the stomach to writhe
The tightening tendrils force the eyes to open
And morning echoes the sin
By: Darren J McMurray
April 11, 2012

Style / type: 
Free verse
Editing stage: 


Wow, a powerful write, a little ambiguous in part, but I enjoyed the language & sense of it. Made me remeber times of fear & anxiety of unknowing etc. which is the point of the writing, no? Good descriptive wok I think.


My dear friend always told me "Water the seeds of joy first"

Ambiguous is a high complement, thank you. It is always my intention for my work to be unclear an open to interpetation. The perfect reason poetry is examined, discussed and debated. The poem is about fear, my interpretation of the feelings left behind from a nightmare.

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