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scribbler's blog

I RECALL I recall.....

Too many years now in the past,
awakening to a feast's fragrance
and the sound of kin folk gathering
as final leaves desert the trees.

The battle fought 'most every year
to keep "pluckers" from an early sampling
of turkey or some favorite dish
with resultant hand slaps and laughter.

At last a gathering around
the adult as well as children's table
while Grandpa offered up our thanks
in that still remembered deep bass voice.

Hi Folks

Some might be wondering why I'm, again, not commenting as much as usual. The medic I'm taking to alleviate the pain and numbness in my right arm and shoulder is apparently losing its effectiveness. I'm still reading but the typing required for commenting is becoming a bit difficult. I'm scheduled to see a spine and pain specialist on the 19th. Perhaps there is a non-surgical remedy available..........stan


We're going to start this month doing something different. Below is a list of entries and authors. This should make it easier for those who care to review all the fine poems with ease :
THE TREE by eliminist
HURRY THE HELL UP by wesley snow
HARVEST by China Blue
TIME OF CHANGE by scribbler
CHANGES by sparrow


Hello all! Time for everybody to get their rhyming pens out! For October contest we need to write four line stanzas in which at least every other line rhymes and almost any other rhyme pattern will be acceptable. You free versers, it's time to try out rhyming poetry for a change lol. The subject is your favorite time of day or night. No limit on length (but Do take pity on judge) and a two stanza minimum.So-------------------------stop reading this and get to writing lol.......stan

Contests and book

Those who win a monthly contest will have their winning poem given special consideration for being included in the upcoming book of poets from this site. The yearly winning poem is guaranteed inclusion............stan

Sep. contest reminder

Just a heads up that any who are still thinking of entering that the period for accepting new entries ends on the 24th. Also, I've been a bit surprised by the good turnout this month............stan

Sept. contest

Time to start thinking about Sept. contest. All that's required is a poem about Sept. being a month of change. free verse or rhyme and try to keep it 7 stanzas or less. The contests seem to be losing interest on site with a low number of entries the last couple of months. If you wish contests to continue then the number of entries need to increase. 3-4 per month is not representative of the talent here........stan

I am exploring the possibility of publishing a book of poetry by various poets here. The ones chosen will have to be active in both posting and giving commentary. All profit from the sale of the book will be turned over to site. I anticipate a "chap" type paper back book containing about 50-60 poems. But I will not move forward in doing this unless this blog gets a good response.

Out of Curiousity

Who is your favorite classical poet and who is your favorite contemporary poet?

July contest results

The winner of the July contest is Sparrow for his poem "Memory of No Choice".
If you've not read it you should and you should also enter the August contest........stan


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