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scribbler's blog

August contest

We all have old shoes so let's write about them. Any length, funny, serious or in between. Only hitch is it must be in free verse.................stan

June Contest Winner

Thanks go out to the few who entered a contest which required a poet to adopt another's style. The one who seems to have come closest was Sparrow (Ian) for his poem "HOME" in the style of W.E.B. DuBoise. Congrats Ian..................stan

This Month's Contest

Come on guys and gals, ya'll can surely spare the time to enter a contest this easy. Now confession time. I've been in and out a lot lately due to shoulder problems. What does that have to do with this month's contest? I am the judge this month and fear I might miss an entry. So if you would all be so kind, I'd appreciate all entrants posting their poem's title here so it isn't overlooked during my still limited time here. BTW in place of bribes just send the pay off to Neopoet lol...........stan


Think you can write in the style of a past master? Then the June contest is for you! Go to contest tab and chose from the short list of masters, follow the instructions and have at it and don't forget to have fun doing so..........stan


I am pleased to announce the May contest winner is Alid for his humorous look at dating. I'm sure you will all join me in congratulating him and I hope everybody had a good time reading the entries.


Submitted by alidzain on Fri, 2015-05-08 03:45
Let me tell you the dating game can be tough
I know this is true because I had it rough

The first seemed decent to me
until I learnt she was once a 'he'
with the adam's apple clearly in sight
and a voice that gave me a fright!


Memorial day approaches. In the U.S. it commemorates those who were lost in wars. So let's remember All soldiers lost by writing a poem about them. No winner or loser here because any poem thus written is a winner. Also any form is acceptable as well as any length. The only rules are that "Memorial Day" be part of the title and last day to post is May 25.

It is unfortunate that every country has had its taste of war so let's give our due to those who gave their all..........stan


In case everybody is getting tired of worrying about form and all that kind of stuff, this month's contest has only a length requirement and a requirement that your poem makes us laugh (or at least smile real big). Check it out under "contest" and have fun.............stan

There are only 3 qualified entries so far so this might be a good time to enter and give the judge something to smile about.........stan


Hello everybody. I'm pleased to announce the winner of the April contest is Mand. I hope all entrants had fun and that everyone will join me in congratulating the winner.

To Tread This Earthly Corridor - ( For April Contest )
Submitted by mand on Mon, 2015-04-06 04:24
The earth is ours, a home to live
a time to take, a time to give.
We wake each morn, some rich, some poor
to tread this earthly corridor.

Implied imagery

I was looking over one of the pastoral shop poems. It was the shortest one in the shop and it got my rusty brain to thinking about, of all things, imagery. This poem had little in the way of described imagery. So on first read it seemed lacking in this thing which so often separates good from excellent poetry.

Parts of a poem

There are basically only four parts to a poem. There's the title which lures folks to read the poem. There's the beginning which hooks people into continuing. There's the main body which delivers the bulk of what the writer wishes to convey. Then there's the ending which leaves the reader with a final impression of the poem.


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