Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

scribbler's blog


As usual there were many fine entries which also makes it tough on judging. It came down to two and the deciding factor was one of these two poems was not on subject.
Thank you all for entering and I hope you had fun in doing so.
I hope you will join me in congratulating Mark for his winning poem........stan

Ford Never Ran

Submitted by remark on Mon, 2017-06-05 02:50

Times were tough, but dad, a job he had
Fine clothing and hair, we all had lunch fare
Ten of us total and this one the target,
target of the jealous, those who didn’t care

Contest Prize

Hi everybody. A bit late to put it in contest announcement so I thought I'd let folks know via blog. The site owners and trustees have decided to award a $25 cash award to each monthly contest winner beginning with the June contest. So sharpen those pencils and get your names in the pot lol............stan

For new members

First, welcome to Neopoet. You have come to , perhaps, the best poetry workshop site there is. Here you don't need to worry about whether what you are told about your poetry is true or just empty platitudes. It will be the truth. You also don't have to worry about any member becoming angry when you say what you really think about their poem. (A cautionary note. Don't attack the poet personally, it's the Poem which matters).

May Contest Winner

Please join me in congratulating the winner for the May contest. I'd also like to thank all who entered and express how difficult it was to determine the winner. Way to go Jane! Below is a copy of her excellent poem..........stan

Sonnet to Spring ( May Contest)

The soft gentle warmth of a Spring morning
sees sunshine and sunbeams dapple the trees.
Our season awakes, stretching and yawning,
her fanfare of bird song wafts in the breeze.

May Contest Deadline

Saturday May 27th is last day to enter May's contest...........stan

May Contest

Thanks to all who have already entered. The time for entry is growing short so if you are thinking of entering please do so soon and don't forget to put (May Contest) next to title...........stan

Upcoming Imagery Workshop

It is my intention that the upcoming imagery workshop be heavily participant driven. But even so since I'll be steering the direction in which the shop will go I need feedback now on what ya'll would like to see covered. I'm no expert at imagery but I do use it a bit in my scribbles so : Do you want things like direct imagery covered? Or implied imagery? Or the proper amount of imagery? You get my drift so let me know here so I can get a syllabus together which will address ha'll's desires (IMAGERY desires lol)......stan

Possible Future Workshop

Would anybody be interested in an imagery workshop in a month or so?

May contest SNAFU

Sorry folks. I accidentally posted the deadline for contest entries to be end of June. When I went back to fix it and change the date to end of May something went haywire and the contest was archived and thus listed as complete. This is being worked on even as we speak. In the mean time if you want to post an entry just post on stream and put "May Contest" next to title. Once we get the bug fixed then go back later and hit the contest key..thanks............stan

Contest Contest

Hi folks. The May contest is ready to go. Just Click on "contest" and have fun. * try to not make your poems Too long. Easier on judges....this means YOU stan lol.......


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