Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

scribbler's blog

"Students need fine poetry" please read

The above title and following words are copied from a column written by Suzanne Fields :

The other day a teacher of a ninth grade English class at an elite private school in the nation's capital asked students who had transferred from public schools to list the poets they had studied. Several hands shot up eager to tell.When one of them said "Langston Hughes", the other hands went quickly down. Langston Hughes, a distinguished black poet well worth reading, was never the less the only poet they knew.


The question was finally answered. Was there life on Mars?
There had been plenty of hints. There was the Martian meteorite found in the Antarctic which contained fossilized microorganisms. There were all the signs of the precursor of life (water) to be seen on the red planet's surface. All hints pointed to the past. But it took the first manned expedition there in 2051 to give the definitive answer.

short stories

I know Neopoet is a poetry site but in its earlier incarnation it also accepted short stories. Good poetry and good prose have a lot in common I think and writing in one could not help but improve writing in the other. Plus it might be interesting to see folks trying their hands at something new. So the question is : Do ya'll think bringing short stories back (if technically possible at this time) would be a good idea?............stan


Does anybody have any idea what the heck "MLA format" means? One of the local literature magazines (The South Carolina Review) requires it and I have no idea what they're talking about..............stan

Imagery in poetry

There are those among us who use imagery in their poetry in a manner which seems almost automatic. But most of us have to work at it. A poem without imagery is like listening to an accountant reading off a profit and loss statement. The right amount of imagery is like going to a good play with talented actors and good background props. Too much imagery is like going to the same play but having continual fireworks exploding on stage.

Crass self-serving post

Hi everybody. I finally got around to submitting some of my scribbling to a publisher for inclusion in 2 books of various poets. To my shock there are going to be three of my poems in one book and six in another. I have ya'll to thank for this due to a lot of what I've learned here as well as everybody's support . I thank you all.
One of the books is "The Joy of Rhyming Poetry" which is coming out soon and the other is "The Elegance of Rhyming Poetry" which will come out this summer.


Who would be in favor of some type of monthly contest?

The Right Word

Hi folks. I finally got a syllabus together for "The Right Word" workshop which is upcoming. Check it out and feel free to join in. All skill levels are welcome and both new and old members are encouraged to participate.

Just PM me , or leave message on this blog if you wish to join or if you have questions........................stan


**We sleep and dream what might have been
should we prefer this to what is?
the reality of kith and kin
which world brings us the most bliss?**

A hickory nut awakens me
by bouncing off my cap clad head
loosed by a squirrel up a tree
hauling leaves and twigs for autumn bed.
The woods are in their autumn blaze.

I see I'm high above a stream.
Through ancient trees it wends its way
like something in a Tolkien dream
where ents walk and the elves play.
The morning sun breaks through the haze.

An Open Letter To My Australian Friends

I expect the murder of the young Australian baseball player in our country has made the news there as it has here. I share in your horror that the thugs who perpetrated this crime apparently did so for no other reason than "kicks". Since I've seen no apology to your country for this dispicable act from either our media or politicians I take it upon myself to ask your forgiveness and extend an apology and deep regret.


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