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The December contest winner is Chiori"s poem "25th DECEMBER". I hope you will all join me in congratulating this poet and this fine poem


My mind awaits fresh attire
The one am entitled to; every culmination of time,
The lightening trees worries me not,
But my neighbors in the glorified edifice
Put the oil in the crying pot,
Unleash the tied chicken for its execution is now,
a compliment for the waiting throat.


Greetings all. Hope you all had a good Christmas. Today is the last day to enter a poem for December contest so if you have been putting off entering don't delay any longer.........stan

December Contest

Hi Folks. This month just think back to a favorite holiday memory. Then write a free verse poem not over 20 lines and imagery rich about it. Please remember to hit "contest" tab when submitting and to put (December Contest) next to title. So sharpen that quill and have fun............stan

November Contest Winner

Autumn must bring out the best in poets as this was a contest in which Many excellent poems were submitted. But it is unfortunate that there can be only one winner. The winner this month is "I FEEL THE SAME" by IRiz. An honorable mention goes to Chiori for "Naked Trees". Please join me in congratulating IRiz whose excellent poem is below :

I feel the same (November Contest)
Submitted by IRiz on Sat, 2017-11-25 12:52

It is the end of November.
I have exhausted my patience.
There are still
a few leaves hanging.

November contest : Naked trees

Hello folks!
This month let's have a bit of fun with November's naked trees. Hit the "contest" tab for the rules which are pretty loose and have fun........stan

October contest winner

I am happy to announce the winner for the October contest. It is "Red Wagon Of Nothing" by Steph.ania. I hope everybody will join me in congratulating her.....stan :

Red Wagon Of Nothing

There are days when even poetry is unneeded
the rendering of magic in rhythm, superfluous
the magic subsides, appearances are opaque
and the psyche has no energy to dive in
to the true workings of it all
these are days for only presence

October contest

This month's entrants are all so good it's taking the judge a bit longer than usual to decide winner. As soon as I know, I'll pass the decision along..........stan

September contest runner up

There are times when just a tiny difference is evident between a contest winner and the second place. This month was one such and the difference was so slight that it has been decided to announce an honorable mention for another fine poem and poet. So thank you loverly for your excellent entry :

.September CONTEST
Submitted by lovedly
An Autumn Come Home

You made me feel
as the young woman indeed
in the Garden of Eden
nude absolutely

No fear of Adam’s spear
he was meant to so tear

October Contest

First let me restate that every entry MUST have (october Contest) next to title. I think there may have been a poem or two which was meant to be entered in last month's contest but didn't put (september contest) next to title and were thus passed over so please don't let this happen to you.

September Contest Winner

First let me thank all entrants. Every poem was of above average quality and this made this contest a tough one to judge. And deciding between the 2 best was Really difficult. Wish there could be 2 winners. But alas there is only one and this month the prize goes to Sewie Smalls for his compact poem "In The Spirit Of Autumn". And this from a poet who lives in a country which I understand has no Autumn. Please join me in congratulating Sewie and leaving comment here on his poem which is copied below :

In the spirit of autumn (September Contest)


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