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scribbler's blog

July contest winner

Please joint me in congratulating Lovedly for winning the July contest with the following poem.


Summer again was cold all along
a young chick remains glued to mom's tits he adorns
pair of sibling’s, young ones pulls each other’s hair for fun
Mom and pop are sunning at the beach
preparing for another summer’s lasting memorable one (for fun)

young upcoming teens wish to brush lips often
as they cross the permissible age
their love entwined has begun

July contest

OK folks only one more day to enter the contest as the 29th is deadline so get those entries in asap......stan

SUMMER FUN (contest announcement)

Hi folks
For July we're going to have a bit of a quickie contest. Let your ink flow freely as the only rules for this contest is to limit your poem to a maximum of 16 lines. Any subject. Any form. (please remember to put (July contest) next to title and to hit the contest tab. So have at it!........stan


Let's all congratulate Greg on winning the June contest. Here's his winning poem..........stan

Elizabeth, I'm Sorry (JUNE CONTEST)
Submitted by gregwa8 on Sun, 2018-06-24 01:49
my tongue is tied now
as it was then
around yours
in the library parking lot
my first French kiss
a language that I didn’t speak then
and still can’t

June Contest problems

It has come to my attention that some people are having problems posting their poems to the contest. For a stop gap measure please post your poem to stream without hitting the contest tab but rather by being sure to put (June Contest) right next to title. This should allow posting if not please contact me via Private Message asap...........stan PS I have extended entry deadline until June 30 in order to give folks time to post who have had this problem


The June contest has now been posted. It's a challenge to write a type poem called an "Epistle" which is a poem written like a letter. Free verse or structured. Check the contest tab for more info, sharpen up your pencil and have fun.........stan

Thanks to Gee and Jess

I owe a big thank you as well as recognition to Geezer for taking over contests and to weirdelf for assuming the unfinished works workshop during my surgery and recovery. So thank you and know your work in my behalf will not be forgotten........Stan Holliday (scribbler)

See Ya'll Later

Off today to get old knee cut out and new one put in. Hopefully be back in a week or two at most........stan


As Robert rode down his birch trees
far in his northern Yankee land
climbing, then bending them with ease
their stance no longer straight and bland

Upon a time and place so far away
I have done so, too, with pine saplings
on a hot and sunny summer day
beneath shade enhanced by sol's dapplings

Sometimes not riding them to ground
just far enough to reach another
thus propelling self all around
from one pine to its nearest brother


I come on line here
and there awaits

I know it isn't to come
yet I still wait for
at least an echo

Alas I wait in vain
for those smooth flowing lines
from that transplanted yankee
but I Stiil wait

*It will be a while before I come to full realization of Lonnie no longer dropping by here....or anywhere


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