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save those pretty knees
for the men that made
those mouths you feed
circle back to me
when you remember
how to find your beast
you and me
we don't make mouths
we make memories
the mouth I need
growls and forgets
what human means
the woman I feed
arches her back
makes a mockery of modest
and a meal out of me


Clouds move by too fast
Exposing light and brightness
Creating warmth below

The Difference Between Knowledge and Wonder

I have been on the earth for multiple decades
I continue to learn that I know less every year
The things I used to be SURE of
I am now not so sure
I am comforted by faith and little signs I get from my loved ones that have passed on
Even though I know less every year, my wonder at the world grows every year
It’s a trade off between knowledge and wonder
I think it’s called wisdom


She unlocked me
with "help me
I'm a lady with a story
but it's not like jackanory,
more like "poor me".
I’m as helpless as a kitten.

"I need you like a compass
to guide me through this morass
caused by an unfaithful tight ass
whose bitch resides in Sweden
but it will be no Eden
when I’ve cooked his goose."

The Digital Cheat

Mutton dressed as lamb,
You can understand.
When it comes to the crunch
It’s something to munch.
But the digital sound
Is fooling around,
When the sound that is true
Should be coming from you
Not hidden circuits and wires
That can’t match your desires.
You press button a
A horn will play,
But you know it’s a cheat
The sound’s a deceit,
Because your cheeks are not puffed
And your wind pipe’s not stuffed
Trying to make the right sound
With your feet on the ground.


Forgiveness is near
If we open our hearts now
Without questioning


Right now,
Write now.

One Direction Or The Other

There are many types of crossroads
As through life we try to drive,
The types we find on roads or maps
Or the ones that shape our lives.

When you come across a crossroad
Do you know which way to go?
The choices need not give you pause
There are only four ways you can go.

Straight ahead may just be easy
As you can see the way ahead,
And back the way you came from
Could give you hindsight there instead.


I told her I would like her
if only she'd wear lycra,
or play the balalaika
whilst I photo'd with my Leica.

I said I had a soft spot
for her sexy rounded hot bot
and the harder it would get
if only she would let me
serenade her on her balcony
with my contrabassoon.

I informed her of my desire
to kiss her when required
until my desire expired
but that wouldn’t be
before her lyrical body
sang like a holy choir.

Tales Of Ancient Greece : Too Late

Lathra beat his drum zealously,
As he entered a nameless town,
Hidden deep in the forest,
"Come one,
Come all,
And rejoice with me oh countrymen!"
He boisterously said,
As the people curiously approached,

Then one of them asked,
"What are we celebrating stranger?'
Lathra looked to the heavens and grinned,
"Your salvation,
Zeus is calling you to worship,
Will you not hear the call?"


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