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Editing - rough draft

Longish! No!

John Falcon Who?
Inspiration the most
Arrogant one!

It’s not the length
That matters,
It’s the strength
The guy as u says
Is a 13.5 incher?
Even in flaccid state,
His would be much bigger,
Than many in their erect posture,

So how will they feel?
As you say,
He is also gay
Many guys as well as women
Will run away

Elephants have four feet long
Just by the way
They guy sexes only once in a way.

Deleted Attitude

Ball breaker , heart taker
Urban slut, fuck that

Man eater, Micky taker,
Should know her place.
Hell no.

Foul mouth, hardened
Bitch, slag , bites back
Revenge, on the attack.

To all those who 
Attempt to label
Her fuck that

That Guy

I walk to the store
I hate it
not the store
the walk
I hate it
why is it so close?
not that I want a longer walk
'cause I don't
but, a block and a half drive
would make me
I hate that too!

I Am Fossil

I Am Fossil

What bits of memory do you leave behind?
Trapped within amber drops of sticky tears
When others glean from what clues they find
Will they think you bitter from wasted years?

This trunk that’s grown from sprig to stalwart tree
Shed generations of leaves and broken limbs
In yearly season cycle’s of natural decree
You reign, full of life ‘til summer dims

Creation of Shahenda

I am partly the moon
From the radiance of the sun

I am partly the earth
From the quenching of the rain

I am partly the sun
From the gravitation of the Galaxy

I am partly the water
From the winds of the atmosphere

I am partly the plant
From the photosynthesis of light

I am partly the daughter
From a father unknown

I am partly the sister
From siblings of others

I am partly the wife
From the desires of other

I am partly the maid
From the needs of gaggle

The Invention

two different forces collided and made an invention,
either a gift of perfection or the fruit of failure
and seen as ending with a fatal obsession,
an early corrosion or a late destruction.

the sun gives its fresh light to make it sweet,
and sometimes thunder come to let it use its wit,
and when the weather change the course of the wind,
there come falling is the rain - the right time to weep.

Win Or Lose,You Choose


One such winner
Had your kind
Of an idea
When he felt deprived

So he decided to work hard
Make him rich
Finally landed with a Nobel Prize
All the accompanied perks


Ugly little caterpillar,
Crawling in my hand,
Do not be sad, my tiny friend,
One day you will be grand.

You will cover yourself with silk,
Then sleep the winter long,
You will awaken with a burst,
At the mockingbirds first song.

For when the sun melts the snow,
In her throne up in the sky,
You will be born again,
My darling you will fly!

Bright colors, your wings will have,
How pretty you will be!
Just hold tight my little friend,
Soon you will be free.

Snowflakes For Brandy

I love to take walks
While big heavy snow flakes
Dance in the sky
They are in no hurry
In a hurried world
Their beauty is in their silence

I like to lift my face towards heaven
As angels sprinkle the flakes
Upon my lashes
And the tip of my tongue

They make me dream dreams
They calm me
When I need to be calmed
They put peace in my soul

When I have reached that place
That no one can take away from me
I slip back to the warmth of a fire place
And drink hot chocolate

Texas Tumbleweed

the wild West Texas wind
seduced a little tumbleweed
says you look like you need a friend
huffed and puffed and she was freed

she tumbled from town to town
caught up in the summer breeze
she's seems nowhere to be found
another flirt and just a little tease

will she ever settle down
let someone hold her tight
maybe she will stick around
give things time to work out right


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