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Editing - rough draft

Smiling face returned

Now I recall
the young gal smiling away to glory...
did you run away
to make another...
Love story

Glad you return
have penned your words...
else I'd have remained in oblivion still

I have always been unheard
less seen
but memory has never
failed me ever
in between....

where ever one may go
Loved does follow
this all know
you too!

American Youth


I bought some spicey brown mustard
spread it on a bologna sandwich
wow! it was good
I've never been so pleased


that's so sad


fuck you


stick that balony up your ass faggot


who the hell are you, why you hatin'


fuck you too she just xpressin opinion


fuck you too, too
I like balogna
why you relatting balony to sex , perv!


get off my world I hate you


On this fall night the moon retreats
behind the growing overcast
as in the dark history repeats
deceit rampant as in the past

Within this city built on hope
the founders' groans float on the wind
as their dreams ride a slippery slope
have all their plans come to an end?

The people here now live in fear
of federal power run amok
a system which they once held dear
now bears no hope for better luck

* * V E N E E R E E L * *

Lucky Strikes
and coca cola

a screen erupts in light

the lamps blaze
through the trick

like the magic of life

swooning on popcorn
and fresh love
the machine alphabets
speakers and thighs

The Spider's Intricate Web

The Spiders Intricate Web

Caught within the spider's web
I dangle from a silver thread
between the then and now

Morning dew rests heavy
on intricate design
wherein sleep the thoughts
of a conflicted mind

Set betwixt and between the two
a chasm of darkened shadow
the slightest of breath
may mean a death
will it be the spider or I

The Sun Rises

I'd been the fire in the rain

the sun in the storm

I'd been everywhere

and nowhere


my broken back arched

once in defiance,

a monk chanted and

the moon stood still


I wrote to him,

don’t pray for me I am a

godless goddess

the white fire burns in me

and no other


through a tongue-less mouth

I screamed for release

into the otherworld

having a million words to say

I was speechless




the sun rises in me again


When all the birds have flown,
remains their song.

Among the pebbles in the brook,
along the branches green,
through gaps in forest trees.

The sky, its bugle blue,
the shaking raindrops oscillate
to hit the ground,
resound with little thuds
on trodden leaves.

Within this peace,
the memory of many things throng,
we start to dream of spring,
and all that's sad is gone.


bare bulb
flicks / flecks
cracked plaster ceiling
a frizzy / frazzeled string
swinging and swaying as
upstairs thumpers
loving steady
rhythems of humdrum

a smokey glaze distorts
disturbing soot faced
backstreet manoevers,
and all the goings-on of
a dirty downtown byway
my home away
to play
the starving artist, man!

My Dream

If only we can hold on to it
Feel and live just as it went
I will forever look forward to you
You paint my thoughts with hope
It's on your foundation that am a success
I stood at my porch every morning with the strength I gained during your visit
Your absence each night is the knock of bitterness
Your embrace is the warmth of peace
The light that makes a glorious morning
It's for you I look forward to dusk
For each second away from you is a threat to my hope
Come to me and bless me an icon among men

Safe Surprise

In this chamber safety
still sleeps
Darkness surrounds me such
sweet relief

Categorized by infinitesimal
Plagiarized into uncomfortable

Supporting my belief in
solitude, these walls hold me
Reporting isolation as what my
soul needs

I believe my mind id wandering
far away from home
I believe I shouldn't wait
my soul yearning to roam

My dreams,
Are they dreams?
leave emptiness inside
Ahollow home was made right
before my very eyes


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