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Editing - rough draft

Aureole Blueing

That corona garland, worn by few
may be brandished by those untainted

Who by some great deed, in memory sewn
thus impressed an angry god,
were then received as canon

Years have passed, and those who are left
to right the skewed halos, burnished above the pews

Grow fewer, and fainter, air deprived inside
the stone facade, that must persist

The brocade of landscape, pastoral, longed for green,
reminiscent: but drying to brown outside


"Something there is that does not love a wall."
Judging by the ruins Bob was right.
but there are folks who love them all.
They hide behind them crouched in fright
and there are many kinds of walls.

Some are wood and some are stone.
Some are real and others not.
Those which exist in mind alone
are the ones which never rot.
Redoubts of ignorance seldom fall.

Hurt me Not

Think of me when it hurts

I have faced greater misery
worth it's worth
having experienced more than most,
still upon mankind's wisdom and folly
I boast

alas some understand some don’t,
move on is all I say
none can have one's way

Never Again

Hurt, wounded,
Fell off a train.
Bruised and sore,
Don't think I'll ever
go there again.

Let it go,
Slide off those rails
Remind yourself of better climes -
Happier times,
and be on your way...

Peanut Butter and Grape Koolaid

Peanut Butter and Grape Kool aid

Cool breeze from the fan
Is too cold for my skin
My body starts to ache

News reports from my laptop
Debt ceiling, shutdown, Obama care
Is all reporters talk about

In this dark dim room
Glowing red
From my black mini lamp

My first granddaughter
Sits by my side
Her head rests on my breast

Few minutes earlier
She was hyperactive
Playing Beyoncé on my iPad

My four feet walking cane
As if a microphone
She sings "1+1"


and ruin

rise the strain of stars
the stain of wraiths
like ghost nymphs
and number chancers

the sea shall swallow
all her tears
and atrocities

the sun will
the ruin
in dust
and dunes make
the speaking
by haunted
quiet pools
the Ju Ju

Permanent Ink

Oh, why sell yourself
For a fraction of your worth
Are you filled with doubt
tell me so i can save you
from that deceptive darkness

I called on the northern star
To lighten up your sky
When You sulk away
It gives me an urge
to silence the voice
you listen to

You say,that your a failure
Look at that bookshelf
three books by a nobody
Is impossible, you hear me
Or should I raise the volume


Today the weather suits my mood
as doubts assail and old knees ache
and each direction I have viewed
drips, it seems, for the past's sake

The sky of unremitting gray
which sadly cries for today's youth
the wind which barely makes limbs sway
somehow they seem to be aloof

And colored wet leaves on the trees
are all aware that they'll soon fall
destined to fade and thus appease
the yearning of the winter's call


Limbs lie frozen
Moonlight twirls
Wind plays
Shallow symphonys
Calm night
Something new
Dark shadow
Presence strong
Flowing quietly
Hovers close
Takes Arm
No longer

still ...tis digital kids

and perhaps you know not still tis digital kids

my brain is made of golden chips
that's why that alone works mostly...
hold one...
will you
then someone will say
a diamond one is now on ..
will be news....

the chip will ask a question
is it now on?
diamond slow down
better on than off ...

so digital God gave a hint
one for that
zero we can't say
we all know not

hence one and a dot
keep fixing a lot...


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