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Editing - rough draft

In the shadow of her

Have you ever heard a dream come true,
I have, every time I heard from you.
Did you ever face a forceful wind
and feel it on your back,
that's how I felt when you were near,
no dreams, no past.

An affection everlasting,
a charm that never ends,
I'm listening for your touch
and the seductive breeze it sent.
Winding up my wanting,
clutching at the hidden strings,
ravenous, overpowering,
beyond my understanding.

Look it’s my turn to steer this ship.
The rest of you sick bastards line the sides
I don’t want your sick, to rot the timbers.

Who the hell do you think you are then?
The captain of a boat, sorry of a ship?
Where did you get that funny hat from?

Shut up, cant you both feel the love rage
It is ours to share but not to own
I shall love you both no matter what

You are such a stupid idiot
There is only supposed to be us three
Who are all these others?

Prophesies Denied

Strategies devised
compromised by eyes
that lie
promises of clear skies


Defies my sighs and binds the
of those who try but we can't
Only supply the size
of cries when we drive by


Comply with my wishes and
no longer will you be suspicious
but defiantly malicious it seems
a stranger dream it brings


Paragon expections
Lay heavily
Gasps form

Sweet summer breeze
Caress the madness
White sheers flutter
A cradled paradise

Legions history
Form the view

Scents grasped
To swallow the fever
Paradigm inhales each thought

Tangled reflections

Kiss of history
Smears reason
Laying unbendable

Soft greens unseen
Sounds mystery unheard
Life unbearable

Swimming toward the other side

age with time Lady Grace

of aging

the principle cause
of aging

is the very fear
of aging

that’s a
natural phenomenon

so relax
you will
surely age
don’t have a rage,
but do age
not hastily

but gracefully
you must leave the stage
without any rage,
for those who are
younger in age.

Thoughts of An Intelligent Animal..

Thoughts of An Intelligent Animal,
(Naked Emotion Workshop)

What kind of animal have we become,
with our uncaring ways and hurtful and
so very harmful intelligence.
We like to call ourselves human, giving
the name to acts of what we call kindness
that I call common sense.

Outside I hear the world evolving, but
are we ever given time to think why or
where too.
They keep us far to busy to stop and ask,
it’s more important to be thinking, I’m
loosing my hair, what colour are you?

Old Tarlon's Song

Oh! The duke of Albany,
he had ten thousand men
he marched them to the top of a hill,
then he marched them down again.

Then when they were up, one day
he marched them even more,
He kept them going and didn’t stop
‘til their feet were blistered sore.

He led his army forces
and set out for a quay,
wearing battle boots and crimson coats,
and shipped them over sea.

He took his troops to Holland
to neutralize its fleet
but his soldiers died in Castricum,
so he pulled back in retreat.

A LOVE SONNET (naked truth and emotion shop)

It has been more than just a while
since last a sonnet left my pen
and though to me they are a trial
I'll grit my teeth and try again

Eight syllables in every line
makes for bit stilted poem----
Dang! That is seven, it's not eight
can make for a bit stilted poem

I meant to make this about love
how it can bloom in any heart
a true gift sent from heaven above
wait.... but that's nine syllables


formica flies
droning the fan rush

ghost voices from the set
and car chrome glass
the bitter slash

cold comfort from the last
pile of cigarettes
tear off the filter
and suck in the hot
lick of flame

let the rush burst in
like the crowd that
never left

at night beneath the
slew of stars
out past the hour
of redemption

I dream you alive

Should have known

I was around people
But I could not see any of them,
For my mind was somewhere else,
My heart was unsteady,
And my tears wanted to flow like the nile river.

He had talked to me as if he didnt care
He had not detected the pain in my voice,
That is the man I loved,
Sadly he was a married man
And to him I was a passing thing.


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