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Editing - rough draft



a gray silence fell on the House
pale faces in black dresses
moved in slow motion
across the kitchen floor
like robots doing daily chores
no word was spoken
one voice was missing
one seat was empty
one House was broken


It creeps,
The slow caress.
The false dark deads the hands.
The cold.

It fades,
The light draws a shadow
Voices become whispers
The soul's mind to eternity
I am.
I am no more.

His hand grips firm
My name murmered
in the stilling silence
The turmoil quiets
The icey chasm opens
The last beat
Entombed in the silent Void.

Neha 2013/08/18

Plea to the Condemned

Come forth bow
down in repentance
Forgiveness is given
for your resistance

Forsake me no more
by devotion creating
this shadow
Degrading explosion

Revolting acts led by
the sickness of greed but
to succeed, please believe, he
with faith in Our Father
shall achieve


Why was I given life?
I live with the sin
I will be given no apologies from those who offend
I am a container.
a vessel of blank.
The music is dark and so is my soul
I am not given light. I do not credit the ones who show mercy.
I am evil. I am nothing.
Good for those who dwell.
Why do I continue to live?
Everything is void.


Sparkling wine;
ruby red fine.
The sunsets, two silhouettes,
moving into the power of love.

No pretenses
waking senses.
Desire, boom on fire,
sinking into the light of your eyes.

Sensual clicks,
exhaling mix.
Body flow, let myself go,
melting into the texture of you.


Tantric sex

Tantric sex
is sex-static
as it is fun-static
tantric teachings
6000 years away
is what foreplay
teaches us today

start today
but sex tomorrow
like elephants do
they take years two
then splash it all-in
liters full
in just a moment

Lost with You

I wanted to be yours,
your preferable rose,

your poetry,
your muse,
your prose,

your shrine,
your morning shine,

your diction,
your science,
and fiction,

your zeal,
your hope,
and feel,

your season,
your wind
your reason,

your ring,
your smile
and spring,

I wanted to be all
when there came
the fall.

A Scream In The Dark

She was always
a story, a mystery
that no one
could resolve.

Into the cavities of the night,
under the faint blurry lights,
her scream roamed
with the shadows
of dead pharaohs
then dissolved,

and lost
then burst into
a tantrum,

a conniption
that gravelled
not only her,
but all those who
dwelled her heart.


glitter gnash
a gullotine smile

depths swirl
in flashback knell
cotton candy coloured
pulse waves

like a vein charged
arterial spur

drawn back
the ghost

the wishing hall
the bitter mirror

throw on the crumpled
persona crouched
in the door chair

ring in a fresh packet
of ideals
on jangled

the run dipped
in its

like silverfish moon
on flourscent fire

Pain and suffering

Lord Buddha had said
pain and suffering are inevitable
seek pain
suffering prolongs

to reduce suffering
one must reduce pain
and suffering would also be gone
so don't hang on

pay heed to the philosophy
of the learned one
he left home all of a sudden
in order to live
in the hearts of mankind
for all times to come
for ever


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