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Editing - rough draft

The Time Shift Of Love

A stormy whirlpool spins.
Words chomp and churn, in capital bold type!
The swirling library of jagged edges
is swallowed whole.

The words disjoin and fall apart,
crumbling into oblivion.
Only to be regurgitated then re-chewed,
into black ink bile,

The ruinous fluid is gulped down.
Its constituent parts mix in the gut.
The bitter wormwood slowly evaporates
into the time shift of love.

d e s s e r t i o n a r y .. d e v i a n c e

shine light
the thin reasoned crawl
crept in a sweep
the minute hand

shudder wind
leans a shoulder
and a thousand
beads of rain

radiolight glows
and an ashtray is
lonely with the
of thoughts
drawn in

thunder of buses
and a red eye
turbine stitchs
a beating pulse
red in the mists


tentative the touch
the shoulder of
a turned aside



On wings of wind I flew
feet high into the sky
ecstatic vertigo
seeing the world swirling
free as a soul
in flight
leaving it all behind
closing my eyes
to see...

Uncertainty and Man

Uncertainty and Man…

What soothes the man who kisses cloth,
not looking back on friendships past.
To dive for glory like light or Moth,
travesty that of man not ever to last.

Can’t be brethren to one who’s highborn,
spoons of different metals does feed.
Uncertain are men who live off scorn,
always to be attentive to such a need.

They’ll scatter mere baubles at their feet,
allowing certain types to take their fill.
When such a service or times complete,
they’ll wipe their bloody blade with skill.


I've come to see an old, old friend
who hasn't much time left
he should be gone by summer's end
when he shall leave us all bereft

You see this friend is a small dam
fit on a mid sized stream
so now I stand right where I am
to recall, perhaps to dream

My father's father was a lad
when first this stream was tamed
outcome of a vision someone had
what, I wonder, was he named?

IAN..You are the only one who supports me

how then can I ever forget thee
my friendly one
you are the only one
who likens me to a bard
here none have done

Stan and Ian
are two solid pillars
of Neopoet …
without both the table may fall

then only Loved will be on call
Ian you read so much
you are not jobless as I
but that you devote so much time
makes me question
as to why…..


Plea to the Condemned(Revised)

Come forth
bow down in repentance
Forgiveness is given
for your resistance

Forsake me no more by devotion
creating this shadow
Degrading explosion

Revolting acts led
by the sickness of greed
but to succeed, please believe,
he with faith in Our Father
shall achieve

Take heed, my lost children
for the future has been declared
verified by our past, we wont last,
Now is the time to get prepared

Round and Around the Round...

Round and Around the Round….

Making my way round the pond again today,
I throw some bread to my favourite old Coot
Not much has changed the Heron’s still grey.
he honours me by playing his foot like a lute.

The sound follows me as I walk to the spawn,
the large fish are still feeding much to well.
So little left, the old lady works on her lawn,
she hails from Ireland, hear her voice I can tell.

E m m i s h u n

august ash
sucks in rain
the volume depths
from a sullen sky

a darkened page
singed with love
a petal drawn
from a stem

soul lamp moon
bathes her angled
ray through the
midnight edge

musics trance
whispered from
the machine

ermine image
etch of a dream
restless echos
a labyrnths scene

I live in a world

I live in a world where everyone's sleeping
Perpetually dreaming that they are awake
Enchanted beneath a deep illusion
That they hold freedom for freedoms sake
Hooked on millions of tiny machines
Never seeing what's really here
A future that no man could of forseen
A future no man could ever hold dear
And then there are those who see the beauty
The sunsets, oceans and towering skies
Aware to one heartbreaking reality
Aware to this race's sad demise


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