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Editing - draft

Fields of Wildflowers

Dance in the arms of the devil tonight
You’re lost in the shadows, kept out of sight
You followed him through the back door
Where I found you, looking for more

You sat on the cold concrete
You let his hands search and creep
You lay in his arms, he sings
“You could be everything…”

And oh, does god have a sound?
Like a child laughing loud,
Or the birds singing this morning
But no; everything means ‘everything’
And you wake up alone, discarded as nothing

A Killer Workshop...

The shadows in the dim lit alley
gave comfort to his mind
Killer stood with his knife at the ready
waiting for just the right kind

Eyes blinked in the gathering darkness
street cats, rats and mice
He was thinking about his stomach
a lean bad guy would be nice

Killer heard footsteps a'padding
a woman by the sound
There were others right behind her
but she didn't turn around

She was intent on looking for
the child she saw today
She knew the girl was hiding
in the darkened alleyway

Right to the Heart ...

between a breathe of reason,
balanced on the edge of time
I am released from your torment
so gathers a guard of honour

straight jacket in hand I wander
back and forth, wondering why forgiveness
once a given is now resolute to change mid game
falling on all and landing on none

the men in black are back on the cusp
of darkness, rolling back the hands I breathe
must I lose a love before reverence overlays my life
now death is the beginning ? life the prologue


You’ve said your piece and I don’t agree
Your facts are wrong but you won’t care
Looking at me with that sinister stare

I’ve listened to your lies so let me speak
I’ve the answers you don’t want to hear
Seen this before, I await your false tear

Sit down
Shut up
And close that fucking mouth

Sit down
Shut up
And close your fucking mouth

My truth has been told and you don’t care
My facts are right and you won’t agree
It’s in front of your eyes but you refuse to see

Sharing the Night

A luminous glow
lights up the night
bedazzled I swoon
this midnight delight

ghosts of the timber
are grey in the dark
until the silence splits
with a victimized bark

shadows duck shade
and dance on thin air,
malcontents shudder
as feet jag a snare

beautiful cannot
describe what I see,
a garden of Eden
has been set free

the light coming down
our tide- orb above,
cast all in magic
its night-time I love


His grey eyes barely visible
in between green blades of grass

though crouched he stood
in readihood

his hunting skills first class.


The breeze was in his favor
plus, he was hidden in tall reed

an awkward stance
will eat circumstance

so his best is what he'll need


A polished element of surprise
and rehearsed moves he knows so well

he's honed each skill
with intent to kill

quietly longing for death's smell


Between Us, Knowing This

Between a breath of pain
balanced on the edge of reason,
I raise my pen


I watch as hope
seeps from your eyes

knowing this,

nothing was too much
or to heavy to bare,
as waves of my suffering
overtake your sanity

know this !

your love saves me
as ripples of mortality
threaten to overtake me,
your strength lifts me
to play among the stars,
ever riding the stardust home.

knowing this

nothing is forever
except this love we share


All Alone...

Upon a barren shore he sits
Longing to be free
From there he sees little bits
Transparent to you and me

A lonely howl of frustration
Is all he has to give
Why, in all of "tarnation"
Won't they let him live?

Time and space mean everything
Never get close enough
Not as close as spaghetti-string
Goshdog, It sure is rough!

There is a land, a paradise of love
He smells it, and howls long notes
If there are Goshdogs up above
He'd have her silken little coat

Stormy, and Not a Cloud in the Sky

It matters not, how many times
a blatant falsehood is repeated
you can even tell it 'til your face turns blue;

it can never bring real comfort
in the long run, to any heart
because, of course; it never, ever will ring true.

On a cold day in october
'twas a truth I had to learn,
one so very stark, in it's own reality;

I couldn't help but let it "fester"
hurting the heart that is my own,
'twas relentless, and just wouldn't let me be.

The Beginnings of Goodbye

wandering through town
washed clean by the last deluge
sparkling black shimmered
and I found peace under a rock
in rows of corn

I drank water and broke bread
as two hundred miles
separate two half hearts
ever aching and reaching
for your touch

I miss you
as I'll love you


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