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Editing - draft

Fear, a Notion

I've got myself this, "theory"
a crazy notion, my mind voluntarily, had;

I consider all things to be mathematical
and if they're worthwhile you'd best learn, to add.

Just total, all of your blessings
and, your sorrows you'll have to subtract;

you'll then see, a much clearer picture
that life's good, and that that's, a grand, fact!

You cannot add up all, your worries
for to add up your fears is not right;


Been down, trying to figure it out for awhile now,

playin stupid games givin myself the run around.

excuses excuses,

get up and go do shit,

draggin and saggin, that's just not what's happenin.

Being young and famous you see I tried to make a pact when,

I was about 16 I had everything on track then it all wen't tragic.

Mind got fuked up and everything changed,

shit became different I started to feel pain,

began not to care cause my heart won't the same.

Got influenced and i tried not to do this,

Different Ways...

In the house of Sir Gee, there is much joy
There are ooo's and ahhhh's and many hugs
Presents unwrapped, by each girl and boy
How did you know? He just grins and shrugs

Killer's house is much the same
'Cept the presents a little more wild
Instead of giving the kids those boring-games
There are knives for each boy-child

The girls will get some presents too
Cooking pots, and new recipes to try
Of course, they'll try them out on you
It might be bad, but you won't die

I can emulate my own, best amigo
or my fiercest, and worse enemy;

I also could end up easily, beside myself
continually, convicingly arguing things over, and over with, me!

However, whatever I'm feeling down inside
will usually fade, and disappear from my view;

unless, of course I see right through myself
with my hidden agendas all shining through.

Plus, I even seem to be more confused, of late
and so unsure of which facts I should give;

Top Shelf

Relax and enjoy, believe
while the plumes waft up through the air;
you quickly will find,
complete peace of mind,
erasing each primary care.

There's two ways to ingest this plant
baking will entice one to "teethe";
but other than that,
hold onto your hat!
Because then, all one must do is breathe.

Whenever I go to my cabinet
I not only think of myself;
I remember the "lot",
of friends that I've got,
and I decide we deserve the top shelf.

Narrative Poem: As He Sat Sadly By Her Side


He’d sat calmly by her side
while the tulips rotted
and the dust settled.
For weeks he hadn’t moved
the sores did blister
on his buttocks and thighs.

He’d sat sadly by her side
as the worms were born
and wriggled in her eyes.
The open note
lay yellowed next to the Virgin
unread and retired
scattered with dried potpourri


The sharp edges of the K tears apart my gum
My swelling tongue licks the concave of the U
Amongst the burning bile and saliva the O appears
The poisoned spikes of the Y numb my mouth
The F is jagged and rips a hole in my cheek
The smooth curve of the C tastes bitter sweet
I crunch and crack the U between my teeth

I take a deep breath holding the letters within
Trying hard not to swallow and choke
I place the letters into order of attack
Ready to release the words of dragon fire and smoke



A paper heart
torn and tosssed,
a paper heart stained red
folded into a box.
A paper heart blown in the wind
free to fly, the world its prison.
A faded heart with no ear to listen

The world burns,
in search the paper heart turns.
Over and over with different shades,
each dawn it comes to rest.
Each dawn wishing to change its stars.
Nightall with a dream it leaves,
for in the new dawn it may be blessed.
A paper heart
torn and tossed,
A paper heart with no rest.

Hay in Your Boots

the city beckons me back
with promises of
lost love
and the Beautiful Lights
shining by the cityscape
perfect next to the stars.

But I'm stuck to the country like
dirt on my blue jeans
mud on the pig
spots on the Buel's beef cows
and a tree to the ground.

Protected Every Smile of the Way

When the inevitable midnight hour greets me
slapping my sullen face
with the sudden rudeness of a winter rain,

I won't complain at all, this time.
Let those raindrops fall to balance me,
that I may remember the laughter of the dawn;

and when that rain has gone away,
I'd even pray for the hottest, highest noon
to slap and anger the skin I wear!

I promise you, I won't even care then, either!
For if my skin would truly turn to leather,
I shan't forget the midnight hour's grin;


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