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Editing - draft

The View at Castle Hourglass

There's this castle I once visited
situated under glassage,
I yearn to cross beyond it's drawbridge, once again;

I even long to turn 'round the staircase
should the centurion allow safe passage to a friend;
so let me begin again.
There's a castle I once visited,
in fact it's the place my heart remembers as home;

Crazy Me


There isn’t much going on tonight

that I find joyous in life

complexity surrounds my every thought

blocking my paths to problems resolve


There’s no fun in striving for success

when believing in fairness is dumb

never demonstrating justice  

with all the faith in the world uttered


I got a lot of work to do

here at Neopoet and school

I’m about to flip my lid releasing hot steam

trying to get A’s in these fall lessons


But then, it’s always that way

Grieving stalled

I still have your number in my phone,
I re-read our letters every night I come home.
I've checked a thousand times to see if you've called,
But the final stage of grieving is only being stalled.
I still smell your cologne every now and then,
When I do it's very faint and thin.
It's like a part of you still remains with me,
Only I cannot see.
I stare out the window hoping I see you walk up the driveway,
But yet I only see the end of another day.
A soft voice wakes me in the middle of the night,

Breaking down the 'Bet

the D is a soft T
the B is a soft P
the G a soft K
the J even softer
Z a soft S
V a soft F
H a soft W
(o, yes it is!)
making L, M and N
a triplet set of purity
R and X have
personalities all their own,
the vowels, of course,
are the stars of the show
(but sometimes Y
scabs for E,
don't tell him i said)
these tools educated
our art to
letting us
simple monkeys
reach out.

Icy Hot

simply maddening
is this thumping…
this stomping
grinding thunder
in my knees...
wearied as they
are too used

bottles and canned
pills promising
aspirations and fancies
rich and brilliant.
this passenger seat
this cold blueness
this hole

a true blue-collar

Moon Beams

The full moon glows in the night
between dark trees glimmering bright
blankets of snowy clouds caught my sight

A rainbow circles the moon light
a star to the right of the lunar thus shines
among pillows of cottony clouds so white

Silence is broken....

Acorns falls between dying branches
disturbing presence peaceful quietness  
In darkness blissful shininess 

Frogs singing lullabies
melodies tunes under white skies
I hear the creatures joyous cries

Fear grasped my soul....

Sum Times

From tequila, and limes
to simpler times

when we were still finding our way;

thought we knew it all
we'd perpetually fall

taking the scenic route in life's maze.

We knew of no fear
while learning to steer

flying high by the seats of our pants;

we lived without care
considered each dare

we played hard, and we all learned to dance.

We sure had our fill
of good times, if you will

and each lesson truly played with our hearts;

Collector (dedicated to Ann of Norway)

No longer do ghosts haunt the graveyard stones
Their wraith-like bodies now sleep as their souls pass over
So who haunts these cities of the dead?
I am known by the dead, as The Collector

I wander the land where headstones lay
I walk slowly between them
Brushing my fingers ever so lightly across their granite tops
When I receive a sign, I stop

Histornity's Song

Heightened imaginations
stemmed from not owning a lot of things;

faith in God, and family
in a land where all were kings;

receiving all the blessings each life brings.

Each agenda far from hidden
we were the flock, and God the "word";

at a time of innovation
from pure genius to the absurd;

with the best soundtrack music ever heard.

Our skies, truly the limit
and our faith knew no bounds;

under the band named, Noland
we explored through music, and sounds;


Stamped out errors on vintage coins
a unique response to a phrase just turned.

Maybe a club only agoraphobics joins
or the number of times an Eskimo gets burned.

Several, icy-cold, mid-summer breezes
a moment so magical, it makes you aware;

even the causalities from unknown diseases
all of these things equal something, rare.

All my life I've tried to be unique
with my individuality defining me, too;

thinking out of the box, and resembling a freak,
yet proud my own signature still shined through.


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