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Where art thou bonfire?

Where art thou bonfire?

Set to commemorate the
exuberance of youth
Down at the harbor
boozy and spent
Or up a bit further
At the edge of the clearing
Doused newspaper and cardboard
By half-gloved homeless hands
like a clustered of moths
yearning for warmth
Into the town at the church’s
Fall festival one is lit
Along side prayers and song
Of the Lord up high
Out in the suburbs
A wife has had enough
In the backyard with a
Flick of a cigarette all his
Finer things are set ablaze
Into the forest the witches howl
Casting spells and incantations
Dancing and clapping
of wicked desires
Or in the town square
Yelling & raging with
protest signs striking
fear with matches
Chanting and rallying
down with this or free that
Crackling ash falls to the ground
as proof of its charred finality

Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
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Visual It is centered if printed Italicize with this or free that
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Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Where art thou bonfire?" explores various settings where bonfires are lit, each symbolizing different themes and emotions. The imagery of bonfires in different locations like the harbor, church festival, suburbs, forest, and town square creates a vivid picture of diverse scenarios. The poem effectively conveys a sense of rebellion, celebration, destruction, and protest associated with the act of lighting a bonfire.

One suggestion for improvement would be to work on the flow and structure of the poem. Consider refining the transitions between each setting to create a smoother progression from one scene to the next. This could help enhance the overall coherence and impact of the poem.

Additionally, paying attention to the consistency of imagery and symbolism throughout the poem can further strengthen its thematic depth. Ensure that each depiction of a bonfire aligns with the overarching themes of youth, rebellion, and societal commentary to maintain a cohesive narrative.

Overall, the poem presents a compelling exploration of the multifaceted nature of bonfires and their symbolic

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Hello, Tawny,
Very clever poem - the different moods, reasons, and aspirations in a bonfire. I especially like the final line. It lends a "little attitude" to the nature and outcome of all the bonfires.
Thank you!

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