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Neopoet Weekly 09/22/24 to 09/28/24 Winner!

   This Week’s winner is Jokerface82




Her salted bludgeoning maw
swallowed vessels and galleys
with its green saline gullet of
barnacles, and a throat full of oily
spots of acne sticky limpets

Treasures guarded by a circle
of sharks in an ocean restaurant
pinching crabs,
and swaying seaweed keeping naval

A wave of wrathfulness, tossing
clubbing, floating ships, drowning
them into the abyss.
stripping seamen Into
skeletons with silent screams.

Supported by a howling killer
of a storm . Ripping, blowing holes
into arthritis wooden decks into oblivion
into the coldest dark depths.



                                                                     To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here

Nepoet Weekly 09/15/24 to 09/21/24 Winner!

                                                                                      This Week’s winner is Jokerface82


Grandiose Majestic Mountain

There stood a majestic
Craggy face with razor blade
Edges of a monstrous
time honoured mountain

Turning its rocky nose up
at anything below him, robust
Jagged and risky, high stabbing
armour with White shark tip
Cut throated fins.

Bald rugged with a silent manner
cold stone as white as marshmallow
steep and strong, bold and old
broad frosted shoulders

With powdered freckles and a storm grey
complexion it wore a white necklace
and a frosted crown, made
by heaven.


                                              To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here


Autumn Arrival Image Prompt Contest Winner!


The Winner of the Autumn Arrival Image Prompt Contest is  scribbler





Mid October a cool day
with a northern cooling breeze.
All hints of summer gone away.
The few green leaves are just a tease.

Tomorrow will bring the first frost
so this day finds me 'neath the trees
absorbing warmth before its lost
and limbering up titanium knees.

For I'm not what I once was.
Time has seen that I am not,
So I sit on a stump to take a pause
and breathe autumn's scent which I'd forgot.

Then turn my face up to the sky
as cool front winds begin to blow.
I watch the clouds as they race by.
They leave like friends I used to know.

My eyes water from sun's glare
so I drop my head down to my chest
letting my chin settle there
while I count the ways that I am blessed.

I'm blessed with our cabin in the trees
I'm blessed with seeing one more fall.
I'm blessed with grandchildren to tease.
I'm blessed with being here at all.

I watch a squirrel climb to its nest
for now the sun is getting low
so ere' it reaches ridge's crest
I arise then turn and go.


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Neopoet Weekly 09/8/24 to 09/14/24 Winner!

This Week’s Winner is  Edward nigma


 Cage of cards


 Chaotically clustered
cage of
cards covering
cynically silent
sides of life
plainly plastered
before my
persistently passing
presence of
the present day.
Thoughtlessly thrashing
out the leisurely
overlapping lanes
of possibilities
prancing through
the pressuring palms
of probability.
With a single stern stomp
taking back the cross
mask of control.
There steadily
stumbled down
the obliquely built
walls of ambiguity
freely falling at
my frivolously
fleeting feet.
Vigorously revealing
the vaguely vapid
valley of victorious
vultures who
persistently preys
upon the weak
minded ones
who decisively numb
themselves within naivety .
But still
I walk forth
ahead through
the foreboding facade
of fear
lying before me.


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Neopoet Weekly 09/01/24 to 09/07/24

This Week’s Winner is Trail




Once there was a man
Who wrote beautiful music
He wrote the music because he was sad
He was sad because he was all alone

But he was noticed for his music
He ended up being loved for it
And in being loved
He lost his sadness
And his music soon after


To leave an additional comment on the contest page click here


The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Rising From The Aftermath

Rise up from shattering
muse of future once denied,
for in the promises of hopeful climes
only strength of will shall claim demise
of vanquished dreams that halt the stride
of life
across abyss of suffering.

Reach out with sweeping
hand erasing past that yawns so wide,
for in the grime of relished crime
only blessed rise of cleansing time
defeats the constant pouring tide
of hate
across barreness of blaming.


Sitting here with pen in hand
with hopes of writing something grand
that future readers might remember
in a future's drab December

I search for a substantial topic
universal, not myopic
something not already written
that might leave just one person smitten

Maybe I could write a poem that's funny
to turn a disposition sunny
but ideas for writing humor
seem to be just distant rumor

That Guy (Now what?!)

I don't wear pajamas
kid shit
if I wore anything
(but I don't)
prob'bly be
sump'm like
"Hey Stella... Stella"
tore up tank
and maybe
some boxers
but that just means
more laundry
so I doubt they would be
any fresher than
the rest of me
by the way,
no colors, white only
on those boxers
otherwise they start lookin'
too much like
and I do not like

That Guy

I walk to the store
I hate it
not the store
the walk
I hate it
why is it so close?
not that I want a longer walk
'cause I don't
but, a block and a half drive
would make me
I hate that too!

I Am Fossil

I Am Fossil

What bits of memory do you leave behind?
Trapped within amber drops of sticky tears
When others glean from what clues they find
Will they think you bitter from wasted years?

This trunk that’s grown from sprig to stalwart tree
Shed generations of leaves and broken limbs
In yearly season cycle’s of natural decree
You reign, full of life ‘til summer dims

Creation of Shahenda

I am partly the moon
From the radiance of the sun

I am partly the earth
From the quenching of the rain

I am partly the sun
From the gravitation of the Galaxy

I am partly the water
From the winds of the atmosphere

I am partly the plant
From the photosynthesis of light

I am partly the daughter
From a father unknown

I am partly the sister
From siblings of others

I am partly the wife
From the desires of other

I am partly the maid
From the needs of gaggle


A sworded conception
Doomed from the start
Your love was too strong

Lurid in its direction
Just a diversion in your mind
Yet blindly I went on

When you left
my life shattered into Infinity,
couldn't breathe without you

Ignite a carnal resurrection
Let me live again

I am hanging on,
asphyxiating, on raw emotion.
Restore my voice.

Passion is my affliction
A terrible addiction
My drug of choice

How lovely She Awaits - 3 Haiku suite

'sweet dreams', she purrs
I roll over and tremble
thoughts of losing her

even in unveiled sadness
her beauty incites tears
I cry twice

bearing now this
loneliness 10,000 days
an old man in love

what where

what where

hour to hour
day to day
on and on
we go
to where sometimes
isn’t where it
should be

not really lost
just haven’t found
what where is.

The Invention

two different forces collided and made an invention,
either a gift of perfection or the fruit of failure
and seen as ending with a fatal obsession,
an early corrosion or a late destruction.

the sun gives its fresh light to make it sweet,
and sometimes thunder come to let it use its wit,
and when the weather change the course of the wind,
there come falling is the rain - the right time to weep.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.