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I like to drink
These little 2 oz plastic bottles
Of Fireball
That way you don’t need a single glass all night, or
Plastic cup. Or, whatever you like
And you can
Throw the damn things across the room
Each time you’re finished
Let them hit the drywall with a pathetic baby thud
And fall to the carpet
Not like a full bottle of whiskey
That shatters in the movies
You can
Pick them up in the morning
If you feel like it
Or, next year
Right before you have a visitor.

Writing the end of the
Sentence, on the next
Line. Like Bukowski
Well, he hated life and only liked
Being depressed -- like it was romantic to be
Defeated at birth
I still love the way he
Said things. He was right,
But, now I’m getting sick of writing the end of the sentence on the next, line

Why do that?
Is it the rhythm?
Making the reader pause before the punch?
As if your wise…making profundity out of nothing?
Even he
Couldn’t make a poem unpretentious.
Especially wrong
About love -
Bukowski was-
And God, and mowing the grass.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Where is he now? Rotten flesh?

He was wrong about that too.
He exists for real
In me -- sure as rocks in the river.
Didn’t he ever wonder
About that?
Or why -
A cell has a plasma membrane, true
And atoms add up and down somewhere, true
Yet, that girls’ eyes really did
Move him inside?
Like a planet and a moon.
It wasn’t just cynicism and an electron
Shifting in there, and why…

Could he bring me to tears with
Wit alone?
Didn’t he wonder?
About that? He knew he could do it so easily.
Like a game, he knew,

I want to shake him now,
In his dumb grave
Wake up! look at that 4 year old
Again. Look again!
You could have been Plato!
She is trying to give you a bug!
Asking you how she will see you
In heaven!
How will she find you?
If it’s all white and bright up there?
Well, how will she see You? In heaven? She wants to know!
Didn’t you hear her
Answer her!
Don’t you know the answer! Bukowski!
Answer her! Answer Me!

Awe, fuck it, then,
Fine, have it your way.
These fireball plastic 2 oz bottles fly
Across the room so
Pick them up next year.
If I have a visitor.
Don’t even have to patch the drywall.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
free verse after a couple drinks. I sure miss Bukowski sorry for the language
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Explicit Content
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First of all, do not be sorry for the language in the poem. As one can tell, by reading, that it is not out of order. It is in harmony with your feelings and helps the reader to identify with the work. If you used (Fudge) instead of (Fuck) it would completely alter the tone of the piece.

next: what is fireball? I have never heard of it before. I think if I knew the answer, it might help me to understand the poem better. I like the creativity of the structure. it is new and interesting to me. I'll be back later.

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thank you again for reading my poem. Fireball is a cinnamon whiskey. i don't drink much anymore, but this is what happens when I do. haha!.This was just a stream of consciousness kind of poem. Bukoski has been a big influence on me.

author comment

thanks for the explanation, it is appreciated. I do not drink much anymore, either. bourbon was my passion. But heavy drinking does not go with my lifestyle, now. I have fibromyalgia and psoriatic arthritis and am given oxycodone for the pain for the arthritis. I cannot tolerate the side effects of the stupid pill so I do not use unless I am having a really bad night. Waking up all groggy and fuzzy-headed is not desired. I go mostly on stubbornness and sheer willpower. nice talking to you, sorry for the rant.

*hugs, Cat

I enjoyed your poem!

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

I'm sorry to hear of your condition. I can tell by your poems that you are dealing with hardship but in a noble way....that always makes the best poems of course, poems just reflect the interior person, as all good art is. You have THINGS to say! appreciate you.

(yes, alcohol is the worst drug!)

author comment

I'm with Cat you don't need to apologize for anything. It's all good, I would however make things just a bit more simple or concise. Other than that this poem is very engaging and interesting! My drug of choice was hashish but that or PCP drove me to a nervous breakdown. I have been shitfaced drunk a few times mixing tequila and wild turkey, but I was ignorant then. Now I stay completely away from all of that shit. Anyway I've become a fan and will read more. Very philosophically profound, great job.

All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!

Thanks for becoming a fan! Yes, I agree, I could tighten this up a lot and maybe grab some of the ideas out and work on it, but I REALLY appreciate you reading it in its rough form and understanding it! I was debating whether to work on in first or just post it raw. What is the standard approach here? do alot of people post rough stuff, and then allow everyone else to see the editing? or, do they try to refine things pretty good, and then post them? I"m thinking more that I shouldn't waste a reader's attention with this kind of "stream of consciousness" type of writting....but then again, often I olnly make it worse by messing with it.
Anyway, thanks so much for reading! I posted years ago on this site under the name "captain", but i just started fresh agaiin. looking forward to learning again from all the generous people here again! its so fun!

Hashish and PCP! oh boy! yes, that could cause a nervous breakdown! I got so sick of all the extra substances myself - several years sober now (except for a few slips of alcohol) see above poem! haha.

"all Gods children singing, holding hands in the rain!" yes! thank you

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