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I Miss My Mom

I’m already there
Somewhere else
The only way I can still be

Turned in my receipts
And tore up the old timecards
I’m not owed anything
I decided I’m free
When she left me

Time can’t hold me anymore
Even if I wanted to squeeze back in
Even I I begged
I couldn’t pry back into
That old story

I’m already there
In the new place
On a couch
In the living room
On the Blackfoot river
Drinking cocktails with my good mother
Watching music videos

Gods house

Press pause Mom,
For a second
I need to refill my drink

For the last of this body
To move up too

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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I bet there is a story behind this poem... it is intriguing to say the least! I think I would very much like to hear this tale. I like these lines best:

Time can’t hold me anymore
Even if I wanted to squeeze back in
Even I I begged
I couldn’t pry back into
That old story

*hugs, Cat

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Thanks for reading and commenting. My Mom recently passed away. It really switched my brain into a different mode, as I'm sure it does for everyone when they lose their first parent. It shifts the world. You realize this is a temporary place, you realize it in hard terms. And your next. In a way, you give up your innocence, even if your pretty old yourself. I sort of realized this all an illusion and all my experiences and memories are more real than the physical world. I can't go back into the daily concerns that used to be all i was. I Will always remain out of time now, hanging with my Mom, that's a place I can keep. We used to love to sit and share song lyrics together, having cocktails and breaking the music down. I had an awesome Mom - she taught me to appreciate art , music, and ppetry. Those memories now are as real as the current day to me. And I believe I'll see her again somehow. I'm already there in some ways. That's kind of the story. Thanks


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I am sorry for your physical and emotional losses. ( I lost my Dad when I was eighteen, his spirit traveled from Minnesota to northern California to be with me just before I heard the news)

I am so happy for you, that you and your Mother had the shared gift of music between you! Music is a whole new world. There is Magic in music. you should immerse your life in music! I listen to music every day, all day, lol.

I wish for your Mother, peace and music where ever she is, there is no pain.

*hugs, Cat

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Your so kind and thoughtful. Thanks.


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