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His duality baffles me

He shows us his submissiveness, the tender side
yet when the time comes, he puts on his shining armor
rages into battle, challenging those we never would have tried
then coming home with the produce, like a cheery farmer

His character exasperates me

His werewolf self takes the silver arrow
All while helping others who got pricked by life
Show some weakness, we know it exists however narrow!
Be human for once, just stop the godly jive.

His charm enrages me

He smiles empathetically while perfecting his work,
Unaware of the gut wrench he induces
Have some mercy, I'm going berserk!
Show some ego, don't rid me of the trust that introduces.

His aspirations amuse me

The unspoken leader of mankind as we know it,
He stands tall atop the mountain of excellence
Yet his mind doesn't give him the confidence permit,
Will we ever see past his benevolence?

His existence enchants me

Moving through every life street like he owns it
stopping every now and then to help a stranger
when asked why he expects nothing from us, even a bit
he says "The city is a jungle, and I’m the ranger."

His presence mystifies me.

One of god's own prototypes, never even considered for mass production,
some sort of high-powered mutant, too weird to live.
yet he walks among us, he says its for our protection,
"I'd rather see you succeed than me ,I live to give".

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How was my language use?
How does this theme appeal to you?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Last few words: 
Does it come off..idk how to put it,, kinda fake confidence reflecting?? pls lmk, and be truthful.Thanks!! <3
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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