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She left with no goodbye.

And never learned to feel
yet I live beneath this skin
never learned to kneel
and feel the hurt within

To give a helping hand
and grow
to understand
That walls, thick or thin
make rooms for living in.

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Not Explicit Content


go on living without really giving much thought of how things go on. Bitter sweet lines that sadly uncover some of the un/human traits
The first stanza's my favorite if I had to choose, but thought you need to add the title as a first line of the body so that the reader won't start with a conjunction. Just a thought.

She left with no goodbye
And never learned to feel
yet I live beneath this skin
never learned to kneel
and feel the hurt within

Good stuff indeed.
Welcome to our world.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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may I add, this fantastic poem would come off better if you were to drop all the "and's" try reading both versions out loud and see which sounds better. a master poet taught me about this recently. I love the simplicity of your poem.
nice to meet you!

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

with the admonishment of dropping some of the [ands] and seeing how it reads. Try:

She left with no goodbye
yet I live beneath this skin
never learned to kneel
to feel the hurt within

To give a helping hand
to grow
and understand
Those walls thick or thin
make rooms for living in

Good work! ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Hello, Goodchild,
Funny - I loved using "And" as the first word! The title pulled me in, and then I arrived directly into the poem's mood, already in progress, already in deep thought. I really liked that. This feels so solitary, as if it just needs someone to sit with it a while.
Thank you,

Welcome to neopoet. You should drop the “and” or use ellipses before it. It hints at coming into a thought in the middle. If that’s indeed a desired effect I’d use the ellipses. I like the language and theme. Got a nice ethereal feel to it.


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