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Galactic Soup

Her violet pupils are set in yellow bloodshot eyes
this witch with dragon of pink and soft little scales
that looks at backwards feet.
It smiles as pencil curved eye brows do stretch.
Her soupy brew is steamy and ghostly.

Antenna fish with red lips and body gaps are hungry
swimming through seas of citric acid storms.
They fall into swirls of mixed kumquats,
acorns and jelly beans— moving slowly round and round
with yellow and red pan cakes, that spiral stacked on top of
red, blue, orange, and green alien predators.

Worm trails lead her to brown icky worms
in a squiggle, and she plays her tick the tack and toe.
With planets as her markers she knows
that ether links will grow like trees in her yard
—it’s all a dessert that grows infinitely.

All the shadows are like the hands of ghouls
that sit at crooked mushroom tables
while square raccoons do roll and laugh
with their noses of blue and pointed heads
they cannot hear through egg yuk filled ears.

All the while a candy candle with stripes
of blue, red and yellow burn on the edge
of her factory filled with yellow-greenish doughnuts
and pastries of all sorts and a xylophone window
that has in it green tulips painted
with purple foliage now grown of her very own blood
that was drawn soon after the Rubik’s cube frustration
she threw outside and into a moat with jelly beans

—they float and she tries to catch them
with a green ring on a string and drags them
in for more exciting a stew to feed all things
as the planets are viewed revolving the yard.

She lays herself in a coffin, gazing,
it is lined with old and scratched records
—now ready to slide herself
into the spell of her universal brew
reaching to add—khakis cacti thorns.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.


and visually stunning! I have no precedent by which to judge this. My take on this poem, is that it sounds like a trip through the "Looking Glass"! My guess, is that you have eaten the wrong kind of mushrooms. Verrrrry interesting! ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

the heads watching dusk burn
the nineties skewing crack
like rhetoric swinging
the winded soundtrack
lack the universal key
hatch the plot of eternity
visage door of portent
crude homemade
return to sender

i think its awesome
abstract is out of my
homemade walkman
tatoos and bic ink

thank U Mark!


Must have missed this the first time around,
You could read this a hundred times and still
draw a different conclusion on every one.

You managed to pique the interest of big Gee and
lubricated Esker's cogs so, it must be good.

Cheers, Obi.

A real blast (and challenge) to put togather,

"Ghosts of electricity howl in the bones of her face."
~Bob Dylan~

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