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Depersonalizing *Personal* Attacks

Let's define what a personal attack is first.

1. Is it something that hits *home* with a sledgehammer truth...and we'd rather not *hear* it?
2. Is a personal attack a veiled or overt reference to our physical, mental, emotional being in a way that always pushes our buttons? Something that is too personal, like characteristics of our weight, age, intelligence, abilities, disabilities?
3. Is there really a *person* to be attacked, or are we fully the thoughts we have about ourselves and each other?

Pressure Valve

I find no dignity in confession
the alternative;
personal acts of terror
upon oneself and vicinity

so I write it and write it
and write it out
over and over
again and again

for your sake
as well mine
fuck dignity

Neopoet survey

has everyone taken the survey on the home page.
if not please do.
Thank you


to step into whirlwinds
of rhetorical debris
hell bent on decapitating
poking tongues
slicing deep
and savage
into lifeworn channels of intercourse

storms can instill rejuvenation
but the utterly destroyed
do not, can not


some think of themself as inadequate
useless as a bucket of spit

some think of themself as the greatest thing since
Ben and Jerry's double mocha chip

they are dead wrong
you know it
I know it

this leads me to believe
any assessment of self is suspect
at best

Well Fed

bucket of chicken
pail of coke
tub of lard

The White Lions of Timbavati

A contest and competition for the endangered lions is on facebook..I'd hope someone would take up some interest in submitting some poetry for this endangered species and the work to save them

Nature Rocks

thunderheads shake
tornados rattle
tumbleweeds roll

Rhetorical Energy

spit it out
do it fast and frantic
rant and rave
Kerouac the mother
slap your hot naked words down
like a drunken tyrant
smash your way on to the page

Boxed In By Bethlehem

a bedlam structure
of bloody tarnation

ferocious roars
of highly imagined
to be heaped upon those
who huff and puff against
this crushing rockhead of ages

papist smears
laying prostrate
millions of the gullible
hear ye
hear ye
he (we) will destroy all
but the Bethlehem box of rightousness

his universe
your tomb
in chains
no other way

so say these Bethlehem designed scaffold jockeys
from an ingenious structure of lies


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