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Reminiscing… May 21, 2011 Doomsday

As the days now dawn
Without a rising bliss
Life is but a meaningless walk
Upon a dusty road
Of man’s own madness
In search of mysticism
To belittle the Creator

Surely, the prophets do die
But their prophesies do not lie
They come to pass at last
The earth quivers beneath
The sun consoles with a burning shade

For hell’s mouth is ready
Its hour looms in at last
Some Christens seek their God now
With due supplications
Others drink booze and more booze

The Ana (Creation Story) part two


Of Nothing now the Light shines thrice,
and Nothing lay in void and cold.
Creation formed of formless ice
in trinity shall chance unfold
and satisfy thru their transcendent toil. 5

Now as Samwiel, Mic~lor was free
and gifted soul as like apart.
Thus as Joss willed, the sundered three,
would seek alone what moved each heart
and make anew or as ‘twill be, despoil. 10

myth of myself

my soul lost its memory
in blood a voice without ears
kneaded in the bread of Al Badar
plowed into the graves of 10,000 chickens
it is nothing to not exist
it is not Palestine
fathers have no hands here
mothers no eyes to hold tears
the mask covers the faces
in this nigger nobody dream
bound without hands to the earth
spilled out like a toxic red crayon
the liquid spills of incendiary skin
perhaps bits of cloth, a finger
is left to point the way to the holy city



I took the words that tell
my thoughts and fears
locked them with a key
in a quiet place
where no one
will see them

I’ve opened up my heart
bore my soul
to set my spirit free
from the demons
that are hunting me

but the world can be
a cruel and unforgiving
place for some…
for most.


foreground in silence
a breathless day
while the sun rises a mile away

a new jacket speaks
the leather voice
tiny passions in cold air

camera full of black and whites
your letters written
nothing trite

and how it is we concur
our addiction to this
the strangers in the glass
ask seeking
why all the leaving
I move more towards

then against

hungry for everything
we shall not have
sated for nothing
that is all ours

a fortnight in a summer's eve

The sense of time erodes our fascination
with our bodies, sooner or later,
didn't it?
Was it yesterday, that lightning bug in a bell jar,
glowing now? Not now.
Did we play Shakespeare well in the parts
so designated, did we choose one over the other,
hate ourselves and each other because we missed
our cues?

Poetry,Now not in waiting

Of Poetry!

Well to my semi dwarfed mind
without knowing the nuances
of concoction of poetry,
save verbal criticism
I feel the power of sharing
what one knows
or deems to know,
with ones brethren


she comes off as so bold
but if you watch shes scared
shes delicate. shes hurt. shes ............................fragile

like the way a roses thorn
can be so piercing but
the petals are so brittle. the....................................girls

laugh at her. she is different
she is strange. yet she is
beautiful . how does she.........................................get

herself wrapped around my mind how
does she completely lure me in to make
me feel entirely helpless. i can see the..............hurt


Restless is the storm fed ocean
Where she has left a bounty
There upon the shore

But seagulls will not venture
Knowing where the danger lies
If the truth be pure and simple
They'll be no need for alibis

The wind is high and wild
fires sweep the land
as I stare out my window
My coffee cup in hand
A wry smile upon my face
for I now understand

The story is from times of old
over and over it has been told
and oh, by the way
my coffee's gone cold

My Thoughts!

The rage within the poet and critique
rages without volition
no speed
it divulges of its own
in both .

The poet is at liberty to seek comfort
Yes solace or pity
massage ones ego
so be it ,
as an original creator of a verse
or one who only generates a curse .

come what may
poets must never be disturbed
as other's minds
may be by birth worse .


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