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Post-modern Grief

"I love you madly,
he said self-consciously"
- Umberto Eco

He cries,
not a few vagrant tears,
anguished ripping sobs.
Hunched over,
forehead in palm,
he is also acutely aware
that to the non-existent observer
his entire persona
is a caricature
of grief.


Great gifts must last forever,
that is what I heard you say;
but both of us will surely know
the wind of life blows to and fro
and nothing stays the same.

Good things are hard to come by
it is generally agreed;
but chance will often look to dare
or fate may flaunt its destined fare
so nothing stays the same.

The worst will surely happen
that is what the wise men think;
and life, obedient in that light
must make reply against some slight
to drive the world insane.

Will you be mine

Will you be mine
you draw from my lips’ wine
like divine
you feel my face
with a soft trace
my lips wet as I do too
as you are about to come all over

come be mine this night
let me make you feel at home,
as your fingers I taste
you bend on your knees with grace,

then we all just in imagination play
as if in dreams we were ever so gay
the birds flock around
as you become all mine,
be mine and know
I will forever be yours
to glow



Kneeling, I am at a loss
to conquer all the fears
that have pursued me hard and fast
throughout these many years

so I stand with upraised fist
and shout my battle cry
down into the depths of Hell
and upwards to the sky

The Gatekeepers

Would Athenians,
titans of intellect
know to curse

Would Spartans
raise shields,
to huzzah their

Would soldiers
like those laconic
spirits stand by
to salute?

and If those gates
were cast open
Would they pass?

No. For Hades
gates are closed
to all and where
the dead reside
the dead defend.


terse from sure hands
the dealers work
sitting at the table
lady luck
winking full of cut angles
these purity diamonds

decks chance
the easy of running
numerical oddities
in a shuffle

calming like watching
rain fire past the empty
the quiet corner of street lights

a thrill of wages
no risk
no gains
the great leap
and often fold

no aim with a safety on

Canciones/Songs [Spanish-English]


Cántame una canción
de amor
para que se me olvide
mí dolor
cuéntame de tiempos pasados
para que viva
mis sueños engañados


Sing me a song of love
so I may forget
my pain
tell me again
of times gone by
so I may live my dreams
of lies


Motes of pollen
through songs of dust
summer's laughter
blown as musk

blanket with lovers
hopes arrayed
as sunlight reigns
plans are made

Food with bees
blankets near trees
careless laughter
trickling in streams.

The day is still
wide skies azure
they eat their fill
their love is pure

A dream unfolds
too soon broken
by wasps of truth.
Three words spoken.

It's been lovely..


between the sighs
thigh shift moonkissed eyes
gentle nocturne

sweetness over black winged death
therein falling breaths
from snow stained skin
a satin turn
from the landscaped burn
a ravaged dreamspeak
fresh with stars
this singing stream
crying your song

sleep far
within touching scars
innocuous stays
on your palms
like a breeze swift fast
a leaving

Everything is not sex

Everything is not sex

everything is not sex nor lust
in my life love comes first
on the sands we roll
I run about
you lie around

my clothes I remove
you let yours fly
then suddenly you come by
sit around my back
touching me every now and then

after all that nothing happens
a kiss is what I want
and in my arms you fall
love me that’s all
let sand flow out of your palms
and kiss me love
anywhere ,twill be like a smoothing balm

we make love
on the sands….


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