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The stream (all workshops)

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Hearts Of Wales

Valley’s of the Mind

My valleys and hills and mountains bare.
Tell stories of love spoons and things to share
yet hidden deep is a trust of your fellow man
where mines are carved by man's hands.

Listen well to those words singing in your heart
they are of the Spirit that I wish we had taught.
Lost tears for all those times gone by
yet the valleys will live again you'll hear them sigh

The clouds roll along

The clouds roll along
as I for you sing a song
the beauty lies is the scenes
we see

the night is young we see
we may stay awake all day all night
and kiss by the moonlight

be my light tonight
we will not sleep that's right

the vastness takes us far away
within my heart as ever
you do stay

the trees tall remind you of me
and the distant valleys
we both love to see

but tonight we will not sleep
let’s stay awake


Following the waving trees,
the same direction as the breeze,
as if a thermal element
was wafted with my gait,

as blown along beside the river,
downstream with it's flow,
I felt a kind of impetus,
impulsive like a joy,
that grabs the psyche,
swings the spirit in high gear,

a thrill of moving onward
through the day, through the year,
as if time were anonymous
and I a mere convolvulous,
that happened to be flowering today.

The Partridge in the Pear Tree

The symbolism of this Christmas classic
has a second, hidden meaning for the ages.
For this song has an ulterior motive,
contained in verses that seem outrageous.

Christ is the truest fulfillment of Love,
in the primary doctrine of Christianity;
therefore, He is the focus of each refrain,
being the sin offering on Crucifixion’s tree.

The pair of turtle doves represents books,
volumes of both the Old and New Testaments.
The Bible embodies the Spirit of God calling…
for the World to turn to Christ and repent.

Where's My Boots?

I shout deep into my boots
It's the only place I get to shoot
my mouth, so to speak.

It's what women of a certain age
like me, do
Better than in someone's face
or with you?

I clench and fret-I'm so enraged
adrenals adrenaline addles and attacks


Christmas Love

Christmas has arrived.
And I know she is on her way here.
It's her first time away from them.

She has chosen me above their love,
me to hold over this sacred holiday
when family claim all loyalties,
when all hopes and best wishes are
for those you love most.


I've come to know many a wall
in houses which were old and new.
I remember best a lonely hall
whose end had one window for view,
in a near forgotten old farm home.

That widow (encased by a wall)
overlooked a garden small and wild
whose weeds were dead in the late fall
although that day was fairly mild
with scraps of clouds in the sky's dome.

Come closer to me

You come closer to my lips
then you place your lips upon my ears
why do you love to tease
do come and kiss me
let us come closer to each one
remove our clothes for fun
then I will rest upon you
and then do whatever you want to do
okay, okay, okay

the drums beat to our tunes
sweetly we are absorbed in between
come closer to me
love me
love me
love now
you can't stay away from me
come closer darling
come closer to me
now, now, now

A Dance Unseen

The rain which fell
before dawn broke
made music on the ground
to which my hopes, unseen,
danced a reassuring dance.

But I was blind
with troubled dreams,
awake but not awake
and most certainly mad,

so I sat on a little rock,
and made a song
to defy all things that
lived and laughed and loved,
because I did not.

And what did heaven send
to soothe my restless spirit?

No Tears for My Old Man

I'll cry for all the fathers on earth
but I won't cry for mine,
they may have been all saints or sinners
but they didn't hold me in their strong arms.

They didn't feed me,
send me to sleep or play me
with a ball and bat
but most of all
they didn't have me around - to get in their thinning hair.

They didn't absorb my resentful jibes
because they couldn't catch
or endure the scornful laughter
I gave when he was out of puff at ball.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.