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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



What I fear most is
my fomo,
and it often drives me mad,
if I live just long enough
to end up grumpy, old and sad,

sad, alone
for who loves complaints
made for breakfast,
of my fomo turned to romo
and my tears



Anger drives my thoughts
yet there inside is a peace.
Age has done this to me
It took reason away today

I became frustrated and angry
I couldn’t run for the bus
I will never ski the slopes
or score a goal at football

Time was cruel to my ways
it took decisions away from me
Trapped me here no longer free
and now some laugh at me

What a change from before
I would show them the door
as a whim took my mind
now they just kick my behind


dairy cream
gurgles out its viscosity
drizzles in a drip by

the cold refrigerator flow
and pools in a placid
sticky footprints
cherry cola pop

illuminata tube glow
the hunger of the eyes
with their blaze
the passion depths
the shiny glaze row
of items fading in the

tiles like chess
black and white
mark the movements
heel to toe

summer brown
and skinned knees
the cool balcony overlooking
valleys of trees

Many,many dawns since...Loved\s good ones missed

It's been years since we met,
at the cross roads of time
when I was in haste to find
a gold mine
as one as I found in you
to make mine

Times rolled by
the dawns added on,
now I have become bald,
you still smile at me,
could I have a young one ever been,

Scratching and clawing to make a move

I make mistakes
I see things through distorted lens
my views are imperfect.

share your views with love
leave disrespect at the door.

I've dead bolted the door to my heart
you've been disallowed entrance at will.


Written on my heart forever is your name.
And when I search this heart each night,
in sorting out the day, I'll find it there.
I’ll hear it softly whispered from my lips.
In that whisper I will see your smiling face,
smell the fragrance of your perfume,
feel the touch of your hand in mine,
taste the sweetness of your lips,
remember all the things in life we shared.
And when the angels finally come to carry me away,
God will know how much I loved His special gift to me.
For written on my heart forever,


She wakes beside me every day
and stumbles from our bed
her hair all mussed, eyes full of sleep
she's lovely as the day we wed

Though many years have passed us now
my hair has grown both scarce and white
when I see her I still behold
the girl I met one summer night

And I still like to look at her
she makes me laugh and smile
when I tire and my bones ache
for her I'll go on for a while

To Infinity or Beyond, Perhaps...

To Infinity or Beyond, Perhaps..

Infinity’s a word spelled out by man,
never used for the beauty of a child
Most used when we don’t understand,
as in tiny infants, are they infinately wild?

A simple context I’ve used just to start,
I wonder if I’ll find many who’ll follow.
Teals swim on water leaving a pure heart,
for them it means their loves not hollow.

Lenore Re-visited

Lenore Re-visited
( with apologies to E. A. Poe )

Orchid petal silkiness annihilates my mood
and I am but a beast within a cage
cooling fingers touch me with the tenderness of prayer
leaving me to deal with fading rage

Come let’s scream..edit

So many times I have seen you,
in my dreams
without out wearing anything
as many times
you must have seen me too,
in my pure nudity

yet you love me.
that’s what a wonder I see
will you like to be
as in my dreams really,
or would you love to daily scream,
along with me

Oh tell me,
Oh tell me,
do say so please
why do you come so often
only in my dreams

Come during daylight hours.
make me your real dream...
come now,
let's both together
yell and scream!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.