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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Ambitious Ways

Everything looks
ambitious whenever
I walk through that way;

the sun shines brighter
and rays away,
the greens hit the blue
where trees' heads
meet the horizon
at the far extent
while little grass hoppers
jump high,
to greet every passerby.

Even the lazy lilies
bow their heads
and mirror in crystal waters
to reflect the new day.

When the Journey Beckons Everyone Home

Sunshine shadows
calms the battles,

that the wind can stir inside each restless heart...

steals the folly,

well before the passing moments can impart;


sometimes sorrows
rule the 'morrows,

spreading dewdrops that awaken every eye;

in the long run
when the rain's done,

in the rainbow we'll believe enough to try.

Deceiver Deceived

Here he goes again,
preying with his looks,
savouring his conquests as he sins
then he discards them
when he is tired of the game
and move forward to seek a new prey.
Not regretting his deeds,

he perceives he is the perfect man
envied by others...
When his youth is over,
stripped away by the hands of time,
he will realize that he has been living a lie


slip along your svelte fuselage
i will find your break
the cracks
like ice in the cold
groaning softly under its
pressure folds..

you ve lent me your avarice
bound against the will
like pressure holds

you wished me bold
but once lept
the dark sweet evolution
of inertia in its desire
the hunger of gravity
is its deliverance

like rain falling
bask in the sensation
chilled driven
or subtle
as new thorns on old

Oh God,,u there!

Oh God
I am no God …
but your kind imagination
when you arrived on the Earth
you all gave me birth
I then presumed
I must be the salvation
all seek in me

In the event of calamity
I arrive and stare
you all watch up in thin air.
so I smile
to help you retain your faith

diseases become rampant
choleras and what not
increase of population
I have to balance.

B u r s u a r y P u s h P a d

seconds second
waiting the crush
the crush gristle
slick like a butterfly
throttle bodies

down the tattered
blaze and sheets of glass
sweet winters heat
and stale storage airs
the leather belted hips
in stride
a hitch in the moment

with exfoliated

All the President's Ears... are lent

All the President’s Ears…are lent…

Great beasts of the sea and earth we can’t listen,
we’re man and we’ve always known best.
The ways that our planet should be nurtured,
is for mans vanity not you large pest.
Wealth is our goal, a commodity that you
know nothing about.
We on the other hand know everything,
but the thing leading us is a snout.

To The Class Clown

In your absence,
the classroom is filled with an air of melancholy
Each lesson seems to stretch for an eternity.....
Without your cheerful presence,
boredom creeps in
Even the teachers could sense
something is missing
We all miss your jokes and your laughters.
I hope you will return to school soon
as it is never the same without you....


I know not if I'm an introvert
or an extrovert
or somewhere in between
like a mixed bag
of vowels and consonants
trying to figure out
their sequence
which could best fix
my puzzle

Within sealed lips
my thoughts keep winding
and unwinding
like a rocking chair
going back and forth
and amidst the tick tock
I search for that pause
which could unscramble
my void


Velvet touch skimming razor' s edge
Standing lost, acrid on concrete ledge
Twisted games jaded sad lovers play
Pushing limits, barriers split away

Scandalous eyes that tantalize
Storyteller, you mean more than you realize
Make me your queen, conquest of love
Dreamer of fairytales, sent from above

Blade to my chest, metal breath on skin
Longing for passion, wrapped in sin
Awakened my senses, freed my broken soul
Unlocked the box, wasn't that the goal?


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.