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Hell bitch on the rampage

Urban warrior ,
Don’t get in her way,
She’ll stamp you into the ground.

Inner city soldier,
Fighting for her rights
Breaking heads

( Chorus)
Hell bitch on the rampage
marauding renegade style
Living to defile

Hell bitch on the rampage
marauding renegade style
full of rage

Anarchy and misrule.
on the mean streets
of purgatory.

No mercy, no pity
In a fuck to you
Trooper style

closed gate -- open road

closed gate -- open road

not come to an end this hike
gate behind me closed

stepped onto the road
without being swept away
--trick of all tricks--

jumped that freight at
three AM

headed west
never looked back
nothing there -- but
door locked and barred

behind the gate
a house but not a home
there -- nothing left to learn
but how to burn

Autumns Wish

Autumns Wish

When acorns fall
And Autumns breeze
Begins to waft,
Across the lush green leaves
Of central park trees.

I think of you and wish,
You were here with me.

When the Autumn sun
Steals summers warmth
And shadows elongate,
While darkness encroaches
Upon those in love.

I think of you and wish,
You were here beside me.

When the winter winds
Chills my outer skin.
I feel your warmth glowing,
Deep inside my soul



I choose
My rules
Not yours
Your lost ship of fools

I lead
You follow
You're lost
A bitter pill to swallow

A square peg never fits in a round hole
Those pegs are free from any control

I'm an individual
Full of individualism
Not a part of the Big Brother system

I'm an individual
Full of individualism
Following the path of Satanism

I decide
My path
Not yours
Enjoy the bloodbath

What happened ?

Please tell me the story
if you care to dredge up
the memories

Of course it's up to you
and if you don't want to
that's ok - either way

I don't know why
I have to be the one
who's flexible and deferential
but that seems to be
the way it is

You can chose to
remain reticent and

Maybe one day you'll feel
the need to unburden
and unload

Writers' Needs

a writer must carve
huge chunks out of time
for himself

a writer must have
the ability to hold onto
an image ...long

also, patience, intelligence
some knowlege
and a starting bit of inspiration

these things,along with
a comfortable place for his chair,
some paper, pens,
and, preferably, a full bottle
of (state your preference),
are the basic necessities

but mostly,
a writer must have
a high tolerance
for lonliness


Ashen dawn
Violet kissed
Bruising early morning mist.

Shiver cold
Icy greys
Crystal crunchy winter days.

Feathered fronds
Floating free
Diamond sculpted filigree.

Glitter snow
Crumbly white
Sparkling dusty trinket light.

Sun shimmered
Spangled trees
Rooted in the glister seas.

Golden bloomed
Amber hues
Set in jade and pastel blues.

Glowing moon
Round and bright
Heralding a frosty night.



aching carbon corpus
humiliating adventure --
diaphanated alarm

discovering humiliation
to be first step --
on path to liberation.



I'm off to gather some firewood
where once a copse of hardwoods stood
a place of but stumps and waste tree tops
cleared in the month of acorn drops.

It is a late mid-winter day
with cold winds and sky of gray.
That tree lap near the logging road
will go far in making up a load .

So I park the truck right near
get out the saw and all the gear
but take a pause to look around
at wildlife's former running ground.

Fallen Soul ( updated)

Angelic perversion
fall from grace
banished into the wilderness

He wanders a solitary road
a desolate soul,
the abandoned one.

Hades and the bowels of hell,
behind soulless eyes
the stench of death upon his ragged clothes.

Creeping through the urban undergrowth
ashen heart, so brittle and cold,
Godforsaken, rejected.

Immortality his cross to bear
condemned to exist in purgatory,
A deviant fiend.

Vile transgressor
contrition his eternal torture,
redemption his goal.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.