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closed gate -- open road

closed gate -- open road

not come to an end this hike
gate behind me closed

stepped onto the road
without being swept away
--trick of all tricks--

jumped that freight at
three AM

headed west
never looked back
nothing there -- but
door locked and barred

behind the gate
a house but not a home
there -- nothing left to learn
but how to burn

soon come that test -- that date --
pyre can wait
another day
for this flesh
this mind -- still curious
these hands yet have work to do
eyes not finished looking
feet still wish to ramble

look for me
when you see me

don't bother knocking
just walk in
here's no gate to pass
no doors to lock

'tis a house that is a home
cerca de la playa seré

near the beach I will be
speaking to my ocean dear.


Style / type: 
Free verse
Editing stage: 


Thank you, Jayne.

Enjoy the quiet between the raindrops.



"When a pickpocket meets a holy man all he sees are his pockets."

Unknown (at least to me)

author comment


Autobiographical to be certain, except for jumping the freight train. Life is such a trip!



"When a pickpocket meets a holy man all he sees are his pockets."

Unknown (at least to me)

author comment
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