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My Shattered Dreams

My shattered dreams
With scolded folds,
Conecrate inside me,
Terrified night.
In desolation, I am left
Soaked in water from head
To toe. My heart etched in
Retention anguish, a tormented
Soul on the loose. Formation of
Age. My torture never ceases.,
Bidding begun. My soul cries for relief.
There is. . . .
No relief for shattered dreams.



What can write this anger,
no words to seal this angst.
Tomorrow if I’m to feel this,
who am I against.

The dinner table’s set,
surely the anger’s mine.
How many egos feed,
then sup at a rich wine.

Caress my spun head,
tear free working word.
Freely call the enemy to field,
show now a true worth.

Give hating heart direction,
to cam disordered mind.
Write utterance of affection,
script the peace I find.

Just One Child.

Maybe, just one child is all it would take
born into this world of conflict and hate.
To grow up with a voice all men would hear
who would speak of peace, not war and fear.

Someone who would bring the world peace
and encourage all wars and cruelty to cease.
A man, or woman, the world would listen to
I’m just a man with a simple point of view.

But could it be, it’s already happened before
and no one will listen to anyone anymore.
Perhaps we just need it all to happen again
but would we just listen and carry on the same.



You said I was an injection to the main vein
the hit that exploded in your brain,
Liquid in intensity

Just the scent of you intoxicated me,
I tasted your skin upon my tongue
And I was flying

When I saw you the other day, the emotion surged
And knocked me sideways
I’m yours.

I’m addicted, I need my fix
Have to feel you flow through me
taking over ‘

Got to have that high,
Crave that buzz
Need your love

CBT over BPD2

Uh oh...

Life's good,
mood is up
so I should
be careful.

Great idea!
do it now!
got to somehow
yes, that's it
and that and that and that

[stop, breathe]

yes but
I could
I should
can't wait
I can't I will until
and then and then and then

[stop, breathe, think]

Garden Of Cymru ( Pronounced Cumree )

I walk to the crest of a hill
Caught in a misty sea
Loosely enfolded in sun shattered light
In the garden of Cymru.

Gradually the landscape appears
Out of the glister gauze
Unrolling green knotted mountains and fields
Filling my eyes with applause.

Below the sheep in the valley
Munch on the diamond dew
Nonchalantly eating the sparkling blades
Beaded with droplets of blue.

one by one

I miss how we slipped together
like darkness
like a shadow
filling the hearts polished lonliness
Saturated with stars
we counted them all
till one by one they fell
and I awoke

dreamless and
wished away


I played the game with a smile.

Pawns suppressing the move
Made by my hand for the king.
A mistake, and it's all over.


The king couldn't move neither direction
For the opponent's difficulty,
But rather an invitation of defeat
Spurned with soldiers left looking
At a king's dethronement.

No more.

I lost to a mere
Of a Queen.

Slow Dance Song

Snowflakes are falling
And I cannot understand
Fireflies are floating
It’s hard enough to demand
That I take your hand-

Watch as I dance and fall
Onto your gorgeous tongue
Watch as I stand tall
Inside your gracious heart
Let our love restart-

Remember a time less confusing
When love was at your bed
Remember a life worth losing
A loaded gun at your head
While I was watching, you just let us fall


Im going to burst i need to let loose
The feelings inside, now my curse
These emotions i deplore
How far must i see my self fall
before these feelings consume me
Speak there names give them a face
admit to myself these feelings are mine

Anger you break me
You make me hide
afraid of the things you make me feel inside
Tired of the hiding yet afraid of the pain
Anger you break me


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