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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Call me ..I'll Heed

Call me the olive tree,
or the weeping willow.
In the core of the heart
dwells a deep sorrow.

They've uprooted me,
and left me lifeless.
No one to love or live with,
I am restlessly homeless.

I have nothing to live on
promises are all what I'm fed.
Nothing to drink but,
the blood that they've shed.

Numbness is killing my limbs.
my roots are growing old.
In the UN fridges I'm frozen,
with all the lies that are being told.


Plodding a summer hardwood hollow
with sweat-drenched brow and aching knee
any trail's too dim to follow
in midst of dense humidity

In claustrophobic world of green
enclosed by solid canopy of leaves
barely stirred by breeze unseen
the only wind a mere faint tease

A cloud of gnats all seek my eyes
kindred mosquitos want my blood
and there's a tic, no great suprise
I'm lost in an insectile flood

Sing a Song that's Blue

double-up dichondra turf
seeds that sow the same,

out of them the other one
is callin' out the game.

back off in the summertime
the wintertime is nigh,

gonna keep on lovin' you
until the day I die.

sing a song of joyfullness
sing a song that's true,
sing a song that celebrates
bein' me, and bein' you.

stop runnin' 'round in circles
open up your heart,

if you're to love yourself
lovin' others has to start.

I’m off

you drift through life in semi-dark
for you it's a half empty glass
complaining is your trade and mark
it brings me down, your odd morass

for you it's a half empty glass
the world presents in sad, dull hue
and others all have greener grass
that is, according unto you

complaining is your trade and mark
you say, for you, diddly-squat goes right
with not a positive remark
for anything that greets your sight


if these tears had a voice
They would be pleading to leave
If this emptiness had an address
I would send joy as a house warming gift

If only time could hear
I would tell it to take the day off
By chance, if a smile appeared
I would make my home its palace

We cry as if no one judges
Speak like orators of ancient times
Smile as if we replaced the sun

We are free like the birds overhead
Embedded with the soul of poets
And never bury the dream
That waits to be a masterpiece

One Day

It was autumn
and the air was crisp and cool.
I remember walking the trails
with the boy I liked
and he liked me
and that's all that mattered to me then.

We were all running down hill
kicking up sand behind us
laughing and tripping
and thinking of nothing
but the moment we were in.

If I had known of what was ahead
I would have cherished every second
instead of thinking of the sand in my hair
and the cold wind
blowing through my jacket.


I'll catch a million stars, and put them in my cheeks, breeks,
sneakers, let their powerful light, fire me up into the air
where gravity is gone, and there I'll dance a little while
and listen to your song,
as sing I know you can, so I'm not wrong.

And then I'll take a comet, and race around the world,
they'll wonder what on earth, in heaven has occurred,
a wild old fashioned lady in long skirts is quite unfurled
and is speeding at the speed of light oh how absurd.

Feast of an Apple Bite

Asked by them that shaped him
Out of the clay of a garden,
To dream big beyond the spheres and stars
All he dreamt of left him with eternal scars
For after partaking in a feast of a single apple bite
Whiles romancing an enchantress under a strange fig tree
Paradise mightiest cast him out of sight
To savour the harshness throes of the night
In a world that welcomed him warmly
With a cloak woven from his own curses.

in pain

In pain I saw the hills today
my back with age shouts
No longer the youth I was
with vigour

wake from restless dreams
to chores waiting
I have a place in my gods world
and thank him so for
small rewards
my freind

sometimes when Im not looking
out and caught up in my moody
blue my god still remembers
you for Ive said a prayer
to all

remembering that Im not
selfish after all

Soul Assassin

Purposefully striding forward
you do not greet me
with affection
or love.
stored up frustrations
take aim at me
from the weapon
that resides in your heart
and shoots from your mouth.
your only form of interaction.
Relentless disapproval
meant to reprimand me
like a child
and with it
an attempt to steal my joy.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.