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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Blood Tears

As I sit here in my own misery.
My thoughts begin to race, to the
extreme. I began to cry in a ruby
colored liquid. I realized it was tears
of blood.

My thought was that strong. Ruby
droplets ran down my face. Each
drplet hits he floor with a splatter
Gathering with the other to create a
pool upon my bare feet. The more I
thought, the more the tears.


“Its just extending your arm in love it takes for the smile of a child to blossom “

Joseph Felix Osaeghemede


Children all are destiny’s gift

Precious as they come

Joy offers to escort them

Bundles of blessings,

Packaged for happiness

The greatest gift to man

Comes in this innocent form

Creation circle never denies it a role

Angels admire their frail strength


Iron horses used to run through here
upon twin paths of polished steel
now all that runs past is deer
this land has a deserted feel

Perhaps because the rails are gone
as well as creosote oak ties
just stone rail bed to walk upon
while listening to coyote cries

This track that joined small rural towns
abandoned for no apparent reason
now dips in a new lake and drowns
mostly tread by hunters during season

Summer Reverie

Daystar envelops Terra Firma with
searing embrace. Nubiles
clamor for shade, impervious
children gleefully frolic. Their bodies
glistening from watery games.

Blistering inferno melts into sultry
velvet, bringing forth life onto fields
of slow-cooling asphalt. Released
from their freon filled worlds the
dog-dayers emerge.

Frenzied season of sowing and
reaping culminates into the oceanic
pounding of lovers. Ceaselessly beckoned
by Summer’s heated hearkening.
Ever wary of Solstice’s chill breath.

old man brent

It's a cold bitter day
the wind bites like needles
head held low, wind chimes
beckon from the open fields
to the shelter of his elders
woods, a cabin quaint and humble
place enough to potter and mumble
where he kneels beneath the smoke
stained stone vent.

kindle wood in hands to light the fire
helped on by his old leather bellows
a gust makes good the flame.

with time on hand and pipe on lip
he lays right back and takes a sip
old man brent demure, content


Truth ... do we want it
why do we bridle magic
and ride with closed eyes.

Life's Uncertainties

In a pack of cards
clubs spades diamonds and hearts
wait with baited breath

Lady luck arrives
to shuffle them upside down
keeping her secrets

Kings may lose their heart
Queens might shed their diamonds,
Clubs spades are laid down

What Fate may hand out
is as mysterious as
life's uncertainties


black room
and beyond white window
the thin shade
blurring the shapes

and settling into the low
front moving

dialing up the numbers
with easy fingers
and looking at the
crack in the wall travelling
from the doorframe
to the lamp hanging

not expecting
not expecting you




Puppy on the lead
I hold her so close to me,
never break our ties

A Friend In Me

I see a loneliness in your eyes
and I don’t know what to do
I know you’d like to be different
but then you wouldn’t be you.
You just want to be the same
as your friend’s appear to be
but you need never feel alone
when you have a friend in me.

Sometimes when we’re together
I see the sunshine in your face
then something takes your mind
to a different and darker place.
Perhaps I say something wrong
or maybe it’s other things too
but if you talk to me, I will listen
and bring the sunlight back to you.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.