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black room
and beyond white window
the thin shade
blurring the shapes

and settling into the low
front moving

dialing up the numbers
with easy fingers
and looking at the
crack in the wall travelling
from the doorframe
to the lamp hanging

not expecting
not expecting you



Editing stage: 


refuse to get a cell
and love payphones

but I remember calling
old loves and family
close to me

so few and fewer still
but there is something
about the moment when
the connections
go through

when the phone rings
on the other end

electric and foreboding
and that delicious wash
of feelings when
the person you need
answers with


author comment

It gives the feeling that despite your assertion that you are not expecting anything, you do anticipate something. Then I read your comment... The addition of the comment, that you love the old pay-phones, gave rise to the feeling that, there is also the element of gambling. That you are betting that this person will enjoy hearing from you. If not, you will have wasted your money. Nice work, ~ Gee

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I like how some people just get it
understanding the poet
and the poem ultimately

yes walking away from everything
at times is like freefalling
when will it hit me that I have lost
it all that I have given it all
that it is all gone??????

strange to be in that moment

all that effort

sure its just a phone call
its just fifty cents

but is it??

actions for me all have purpose
even the random
and I try to fathom it all
so I can try to predict somewhat
where i may become
what I have travelled
and what I was

author comment
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