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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


A Societal Love Poem

An avalanche has started
there's cold ice, all around;
all the shards, that have fallen
have found solace...on the ground.

And, the bitterness that blinds me
as I try, to see ahead;
reminds me, I'm not worthy
no matter, what's been said.

I thank God for the lessons
I've been allowed, to learn;
let me be, a good example
if it ever, is my turn.

And, for my odd behaviour,
I must apologize;
but, that whimsical demeanor
is what's help me realize;

An Invitation To the Royal Marriage

An Invitation To the Royal Marriage

They rung up my secretary,
So to say
My poems all against only one permitted,
Have been or will be or may be accepted.
The Queen will read out my poem speech,
I wrote for her
And Prince Harry
Will read the message
Written on behalf of mom
The Royalty guys
Will picture frame my poem
For the wedding
Will summon me finally,
For the handing...



Head on my shoulder,
And though you’re turning colder,
We still keep holding hands…

Kid, are you scared of me?
Know you cannot love me,
But could we still keep holding hands?

I had you April,
And May was too long…
Another man’s girl,
Another man’s song…
If you'd like to hear the sung version simply click on the link below.

We must keep on trying

confront your image
don't hide behind a mirror
in fool's paradise

when we close our eyes
we may be blind to the world
not our conscience

spare for your own sake
a moment in solitude
for self appraisal

may good deeds prevail
over evils of the bygone
at each dawning day

smile at your image
feel good to be alive
which is a blessing


the history
of powder shadow
you streak
with treacle

discern me with
your mirror lull
the soft green
lush and deep

where now you
haunt me
dream and sleep

The Cottage Tap

Out from the broken lattice,
Below the white clapped cottage side,
Water from the sand point well,
Through the one turn tap,
And through wiggling toes,
Splashes beach sand on the flag stone path,
Away from which,
Dripping foot slapped pool shadows,
Track toe and heel,
To the front screen door that springs and slams,
Beyond the damp traces left behind,
From shore side joyful playing paused,
Drying in the smiling sun,
And the kissing pine scent breeze,
Carefree days’ passage kept,



"Kill Me Softly"

Wrap me in your plastic,
suffocate my past.
Drown me in your sorrows,
kill me so it lasts.

Slit my throat so gently,
slice into my veins.
Kill me oh so softly,
seek my promised name.

Rip my flesh from bone,
pull my fingernails.
Leave me laying, rotting,
hammer me with nails.

Choking on the inside,
sulfur steals my breath.
Fire burns my eyelids,
I wish to suffer death.

Take my offspring from me,
cutting off my hands.
Lead me from this angel,
to the darkest lands.

My Own Worst Enemy

From the windows of my soul
Don’t expect to be mesmerized

My soul whispers save me
So far no search and rescue team
Only me paddling across streams of lava

No gardens filled with roses and orchids
Over here we have dying flowers and thirsty lands
Cursed by some merciless creature

This picture I paint will erase smiles
As hearts freeze in the cold of my truth
Agony like medusa showed her ugly face
And now I await the gods to breathe life into me

Hello International Guy

Hello International Guy

Sometimes when you are not
On poetic stream,
I somehow miss you,
You should send a message,
As it gives me life,
To try and write poetry like you do.

But then you are abstract,
What can I do?
Except await a word
Of praise from you
Hope you are doing
What I’ve told you to
The result you would share
With me would you?


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.