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The stream (all workshops)

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A metaphorical place ,my ZOO

A metaphorical place ,my ZOO

To truly ? be my friend
Come walk with me
Inside my Zoo

A metaphorical place
That embodies
The bitter , the sweet
My life of truth

Let me introduce , all these creatures
In my Zoo
Some will show ,their beauty
Others are only monster
Caged , from my days of abuse

Warning !!!
Please don’t feed these animals
Unless , my friendship
Is worth the danger to prove.
That fear over love
Won’t be a choice
You choose .


I guess I will always be stupid
Ignorance , lacking compendious
To judge with a definition
Or to delegate
Or to meliorate
Pass my own finite

I will not reserve
I will not profess
I will never have the capacity
To archive , the mentality
Of another human being

To the reader I am very passion about this poem
There will be a part 2

Unto Dust

a pebble...
once a mighty stone
perhaps the one
slung at the head of Goliath
maybe not
the odds would certainly defy it

but, who knows

once a mighty stone
ground down
through time

once a mighty stone
long, long ago


Driving with the radio on
POOF ! then silence, speaker's gone
got pissed off and hit the dash
knocked something loose, now heater's trash

Pull in the driveway, hit the brakes
straight to the floor for goodness sakes
hit parking brake quick as I can
too late to save the full trash can

on the way to the side porch
( can't think of a good rhyme for porch )
trip on the step and mercy me
sprained my already bad knee


Turn from the dark
Hide from the night
Silently creep out of site

Yell out let the silent darkness break
tear away the pitch that hides the world
rejoice open your eyes
take in all the wonders that lay before

blinding colour sensations anew
a reality that me being never new
senses over all overwhelmed by what was never know
colours, shapes movements, lights
Eyes whirling turning to capture it all


angel in the forest
far from home
we lay and listen
voice of breeze
while stars spark
in hours lease

borne loft of worry care
and freedom
we slide dreams
on rulers
calculating seasons

twas you
alone whom
warmed my heart
when others
joust and laugh
in lark

To All The Poets

I appreciate you commenting on my poems. I just wanted to say that it is a bit hard for me to comment on everyone's poems. I don't have complete access to the internet. My cousin is going to college online. That takes up a lot of my time to respond to you all. I do get a break every now and then. It may be short lived, but I do my best to reply. Please except my apology. I will comment the best I can in the time frame I have open. Please
forgive me. I hope you can forgive me. I thank you for your time and comments they are a lot of help to my poetry.

Thank You,

Ananias! Help Saul recover his sight
He was blinded by light
Lay on your hands, help him to see
For he is a chosen vessel for me.

Lord? He is a man of bitterness and hate
And extremely irate
Your request is hard to equate
Go Ananias! To the street called Straight.

Enter the house of Judas, I hear his prayer
I will Lord, I’ll go there.
Saul! Jesus has sent me to you,
Recover your sight! do what you must do.

Deep Ression

A hunter for emotions.
She searches with such fervor.
Deep Ression snakes around
enveloping all those not cloaked.
Her fangs greets many with acid
of sorrows.

She terrors the Grim Reaper from
whence he came.

Sweeping people after people
into the mighty slaying talons.
She is marbledhearted, leaving
not one apathetic Releasing is
not nigh.

Off in the Moonlight

We walk in the illuminating moonlight
Hand in hand as it shines bright
Just as an owl takes its flight.

We search for that place
Where we met so long ago
That was given by grace
By the one above, not below.

We go on with life
Taking it day by day
Working out our strife
With no delay.

So I tell you this, may it be strong and clear
If you ever need some bliss I’ll show you where to steer.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.