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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



There came a lurch within my chest
when you put my car in gear
and eased us out from our driveway,
not because I feared your lack
of skill behind the wheel,

but because I looked at you
as you stopped us on the edge
of busy street and watched you
look, turn and accelerate
with the confidence that only comes
from being comfortable inside
one's skin,

Once More into the Breach

It’s Tuesday and I gotta mount that colt.
The groundwork’s not gone well~ he tends to bolt.
But I been paid and gotta get it done.
We need no more than walk…don’t wanna run.
He’s cinched up slow as always. That’s our way.
The greenhorns think he only wants to play.
They point with greenhorn fingers while they laugh
when flips his damn, fool head like some giraffe.
But somehow we get bridled ere it’s noon.
I think he’s only gazin’ at the moon
and settin’ up to take a careful aim.

long Meadow

In the long meadow
a fair maiden gazed
longingly, as she strolled
through the long grass.
With finger tips caressing
the petals of silk

She seemed to float
through the long meadow.
Why is she there?
Was it for her lover?
A secret tryst!

To be with her knight,
who rides on a
charger white.
A stallion strong.

The lady in green
looking so serene.
A day for day dreams,
her heart gives a flutter.


rain rivers
black and curving
held by papers

fragments of
yesterday is swimming
against the naked curb
bright green grass
will take the tales
drink it in
like a thin sin

there are carnations
behind the glass
and sharp thorn

the water will fill
the vases
and fine print
distortions will
etch the clause

chimes are ringing
in the breeze
like phantom
spirits that dwell
making light their
songs to sell

Midnight Marriage (Ottava Rima)

Soft wavelets grip and grasp a gleam of light
as if to poke and play curtsy and bow.
This welcomed dance as eyes coerce delight,
is altered with the gifts that they endow.
Such sway could swoon the darkest part of night
enhanced by joy upon a beaded brow
and rhythm spun would turn a tune to sing
with diamond sparkled gems to wed the spring.


One day a year they line the road
gray haired old men in uniform
and young men carrying life's load
with one less limb than is the norm

They stand or sit in worn wheel chairs
either way they're straight and proud
all looking with thousand yard stares
high school band plays badly but loud

All in front of "ONE DAY SALE"
signs in windows of every store
when anthem plays and soldiers pale
you remember what this day is for


how still the sky
that falls between
rows and rows of white crosses

in snow white Yule marble
lies three,
known but to God

"No Greater Love"....
like Taps in the breeze.

When it's gone

To feel
a great passion
deep within
it is but a dream
To have lived that moment
on endless waves of love
holding it
believing it will live on
for eternity

Oh truth,
please do not
let me see
the end of this
which I think will
make me live
for it is death
to be without the touch
of a heart
that lives inside
my very being

empty fields

the dream i have
scares me
people fucking
on a huge field
surrounding us
and we walked around
bumping them
gasping at them

i opened a window to
let summer visit me
closed my eyes as
it patted my cheek

and i wanted the field
i wanted you and i
making love among
cornflowers and sunflowers

i woke up
hating the dream


Not every empty space on the canvas needs to be filled
All secrets don't have to be exposed
Not everything written... should be
What I don't know, doesn't always need to be known

What I do know... is that some mysteries should be left
to expose themselves slowly
like artifacts eroded from the sands of time
Fossils from the past, to be found in the future
when I need reassurance that I have lived


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.