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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Worthless Lethargy
Zilch to nothingness
We hang fire
Put off the flame
Dally handed on as delay

This block to progress
Keeping me deferring
Till the morrow
Evening exploits of today

When we holdup
Or drag our feet
Then postpone
Our good intentions
The world suffers

I need determination
For nothing is so hard
Lest my aspiration
Be for naught

Beach Sand and Weak Legs

I took my first vacation to the beach with the family after me and my hubby separated in 2009. He thought it a great idea to take us on vacation after years of pleading to do something as a family. So he arranges the finances so it would be possible to go and have a really good time taking in the sights during the day and walking the beach in the afternoon.

Forgetting Mystery

They are painting buildings,
constructing new roads,
expanding old ones
which once lead home.

Ancient trees
are being brutally slaughtered,
without second thoughts
to what they've endured.

The couple down the road,
been married for forty years
just called it quits
because they discovered the internet.

Individuality is being mass produced,
while the cotton fields are burning
and the wildlife is losing ground.
I woke up lost in familiarity.


walking barefoot
the blue glint
shinning of her
sunwashed eyes

the shadow of the crow
slipping brief across
her brow her perfect

alone in her vermillion
sunset thoughts

a single sandwich
wrapped in wax paper
slung from her fist
in a clear Wonderbread

in the dark windbreak
a single cricket sang

Some Summer Haiku

Mid day heat shimmers
Over a close cut hay field
In heart of summer

Beneath a large oak
Biting breaths of soggy air
July in the south

Dew spangled dawn
Disappears after sunrise
Becomes humid air

Bird pants on deck rail
In the late afternoon heat
craving cooler days

we can create laughter

poems wear no regrets
poems are naked inside

if i could sit like
a stone angel
breathe deeply the gloom that gathers
in caves where swimmers are drawn by ancient hands,
desert sands destroy lofty footsteps
and death mocks us, laughing

it is i who rain

what is left of you, what is left of me?

after the crash, the black box still survives

that must be why i work
my fingers to the bone, the judgment,
it will fall heavy later
among the politicians, popes and poets,
the greedy men and empty grass,
leaves of mud and women; like me
always on their knees-
who only tried to love as
you loved

solicitude is hard but
you're harsher

next time we're together, please
put me to work or set me loose in a crowd
where romance doesn't fit or isn't apt
and unresponsively, I'll promise you
i won't learn a thing from it

The Other Side Of A Love Story

You don’t have to say that you’re already bored,
It’s obviously seen across the board,
Come on,let’s shape and make the word…
That would give end to and break this world.

We’re on a broken harmony,now what’s your pick?
The link that connects us now no longer stick..
Silence is resounding and our hearts don’t speak,
Saving this relationship was a suicide trick.


I take my meds
To clear my head
But, my sadness lingers
As I sit upon, my dozy bed

I progress to stay ahead
Of the active dead
But, my joy declines
As I push through, the heavy dread

What shall I do, to remove the fright?
That makes me gripe
Where’s the joy that keeps me well?
As I walk obscurity toward the light

Like a woodpecker in the early morning
Triggering my drowsy moaning
I’m feeling morose and unresponsive
As I travel this lone road of loathing


forth within a hand filled as of blind hope.
beats the breath of bounds, that holds with in thy heart.
spilled from colors of moon light and darkness.
come to within the light.
which you have held in thy yellow eye.
for feeding thy lust for growth upon me.
bring to soar in the loving grace.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.